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And You Still Think It’s Just A Drug

Check this tidbit from
New Jersey Family Relocates To Colorado So Their Severely Ill Daughter Can Get Medical Marijuana

In short, this family has decided to uproot their lives for the sole purpose of giving their daughter a better chance at life. They’re not moving to get high. They’re not moving for the “green rush”. They’re moving for medical reasons. Like many others out there who actually care enough to investigate, they know that marijuana is a medicine.

Here are some other people who also know that marijuana is medicine:

  • Alan Caruthers wasn’t a big fan of marijuana until he needed it for his myelofibrosis. Marijuana helps with the pain but it’s hard for him to get.
  • Charlotte Figi is a little girl who suffers epilepsy, 300 seizures a month. She was on 7 different medications, none helped. After marijuana, just 3 seizures a month.
  • Dr. William Courtney (a doctor if that escaped notice) wasn’t a fan of marijuana as a treatment for his patients. Then, he witnessed it working on multiple patients. He used marijuana as a treatment for an 8-month old baby with an inoperable brain tumor.

I could spend a year on this list and still not cover everyone but I’m trying to stay short and sweet. Check out Patients for Medical Cannabis. But, if none of this does it for you. If you still have trouble believing true life stories and you still side with the government, here’s a steel-toe boot kick in your behind…

US Patent 6630507 – Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants

This patent is owned by the Department of Health and Human Services, an agency of the US Government… since Feb 2001.

How can the US government tell all of us that marijuana has no medical value but turn around behind our backs and have Health and Human Services secure a patent for this specific medical use?

I’ll leave you to ponder that hypocrisy.

Dispensaries And Growers Are Too Big To Win

I consider this article to be an addendum to the previous article: Marijuana Legalization. You’re Failing At It. I want to be very clear from the start, this addendum is how marijuana can win.

Currently, marijuana is in a pseudo-legalization state. I consider it an entrapment scheme, ignorantly developed by local activists and purposely ignored at the federal level. Considering how difficult it was for the law enforcement, local and federal, to bust marijuana growers and distribution, it makes sense, to some degree, to allow these people this level of legalization. The reason is simple. Growers and distribution networks are basically snitching on themselves.

Think about it. Your state has legalized medical marijuana. States have set up registries for users, growers, and distributors. This directory of criminal activity never existed before. To make matters worse, these people are advertising their activities. “Come here, come now.. free joints.. discounts”. Now, federal law enforcement doesn’t have to do any work at all. They don’t even need to do investigations. The criminals are screaming, “HERE I AM! ARREST ME, PLEASE!! TAKE MY MILLIONS TOO!!” It’s never been so easy for the DEA.

As a citizen of these various states, you can easily alert the DEA to large operations which are sanctioned by the state. What are local law enforcement, from state attorneys to local cops to prohibitionist citizens, doing? They’re giving Uncle Sam a call, every single day. Dispensaries are getting shut down and growers are getting busted all the time. This is the current state of pseudo-legalization. Should we be mad at the federal government or ourselves? Well, I’m not mad at myself. I’m not the one with the imagination that it’s ok to set up large scale operations.

The question becomes, how do we continue on this path? In my opinion, this is the path to failure. Marijuana advocates are leading citizens to believe that it’s ok to set up these businesses and it’s ok to set up these large grow operations. The federal government is letting you know that it’s NOT ok to set up these businesses and grow operations in words and actions. Before, my answer was to simply “STOP IT!”

But, then I got to thinking. I looked back at previous articles and documents and did some more thinking. The facts are:
1) Marijuana activists are clearly too narrow-minded to see the big picture and
2) Federal government is content on letting the marijuana activists continue to snitch on themselves

I’ve come to the conclusion that, considering the path we’re on, the state by state strategy can win. However, we have to be mindful of being “too big to win”. What’s that even mean? Simply put, pay attention to who the federal government is going after: the big boys – dispensaries and large growers. The DEA doesn’t have the manpower to conduct low level arrests so they’re not going to conduct low level arrests. They admitted to that reality in 2009. But, they do have more than enough manpower to shut down large operations. And, they admitted to that reality as well.

How can this state by state strategy actually be a win for patients? The answer was always right in front of me: Stay small. It’s not a new concept. It’s something that I’ve been advocating for years along with many other people who talk about it and do it themselves. But, the great flaw of too many marijuana activists, whether it’s greed or righteousness, is that they want to be the end all. They want to be large scale providers. While it makes sense; what business doesn’t want to be large and successful? Unfortunately, this is exactly how you end up in a federal prison. So, perhaps the marijuana industry, as it is now, should want to be successful but not large – collectives and smaller grow operations. Basically, you don’t want to show your behind to the federal government. Clearly, they can shut you down and they will shut you down.

If we take a second to actually think about it, shed those wild egos and silly righteousness and actually consider this state of pseudo-legalization for what it is and not what activists imagine, it all makes perfect sense. Local authorities won’t arrest us because what we’re doing is legal at the state level. At the same time, federal authorities won’t touch us because we’re not worth the expense. The patients win because they can still be provided quality medicine from reputable people. At the end of the day, it’s all about the money. If you’re a DEA agent, are you going to push on small low-level operations or are you going to expand your federal wallet by following the big money?

While maintaining an off-the-federal-radar state by state strategy, the federal strategy to legalize should get the most focus.. and funding. That federal strategy has multiple approaches – voting for the right people in the US Congress (something we all can do) and bringing the DEA to the US Supreme Court (something Americans for Safe Access is doing).

The Problem With The Marijuana Legalization Movement

Here I am responding to a YouTube video where this guy is going nuts over some nice hash. As a grower myself, I like what I see. It’s good stuff. But, something stuck out to me and this interaction came about.Ya know, I love to go on YouTube to see folks smoking buds, talk about growing, etc etc etc. You know when someone is in it for the recreation, medicinal value, and/or just the love. I have to admit that for some time I did kind of feel that medical marijuana was only a stepping stone to legalization. Then, I saw folks like Michelle Rainey. I knew people who needed marijuana for true medical reasons existed but I didn’t really see them.

That changed my view of medical marijuana. Granted, I am indeed a recreational smoker. I have no medical need unless you count the slight bouts with insomnia. Marijuana has always helped me get to sleep and regulate my internal clock. But, I don’t need marijuana to do that. So, yeah, I am totally recreational with it. I grow for my own personal use. I have no problem admitting that.

However, that doesn’t mean I can’t have and show some respect to the people who actually do use it medicinally. So, it bothered me to see this guy on The Weed Report acting like a pure fuckin idiot in regards to medical marijuana. That’s why I posed the question to him.

Simply put, how are other people supposed to think about marijuana after seeing this stupid ‘sumbitch’ on YouTube completely disrespect medical marijuana by claiming VIP patients. I just wanted the guy’s point of view. And, he dodged the damn question. Like I alluded, he lost a lot of points for that.

First of all, how does it look to people who don’t know much about marijuana or who are brainwashed by the government? Let’s keep in mind that in many states, those people are in the majority. We need their support. Second, if medical marijuana is a stepping stone, then why destroy the step before we get to the next step of legalization?

You want to run a medical marijuana business, at least act like medical is somewhere in there and has some importance. Have some respect for the cause. There are a lot of sick people out there that really need marijuana and many who don’t need it taken away from them by stupid, arrogant stereotypes.

I truly hope that when it comes down to it, there are enough of me – professional, self-employed, successful potheads who give a damn- out there to keep clowns like that in the shadow long enough to make his influence insignificant. What’s sad is that at the end of it all, the clown thinks he’s being brave. Go figure.

I am just trying to imagine any pharmacist raving about the potency of the medication they’re giving people.

“Oooooo Anthony, this Albuterol Inhaler hits like a dream man! You’ll be breathing like a champ in no time. Check me out while I take a few pulls…. AAAAAAHHHHHHHH GOOOOOD *cough cough* SHIT MAAAAN.. HIT THAT, HIT THAT! Albuterol is wild stuff.”

Would you take your pharmacist serious if they had that attitude about the medication you’re buying?

Quick Update 5/28/10
As predicted the coward deleted the last three comments and blocked me from commenting on his video. I only went back because someone else commented to what I said. Make up your own conclusions.


Marijuana Does NOT Cause Psychosis

So, I’ve been pretty much inundated with nonsensical articles about marijuana causing psychosis. While many people have set the record straight on this issue in the past, it keeps coming back as some new article. Simply put, someone put together a half-assed study and somehow came to the conclusion that marijuana caused psychosis – schizophrenia, etc.
Well, let’s set the record straight again…

No, marijuana does not cause psychosis. This is more prohibitionist, drug war lies to keep marijuana criminalized. They purposely confuse causation and correlation. In other words, does marijuana use cause psychosis or is it the case that people who are predisposed to psychosis seek drugs most likely as a way to cope with their psychosis?

Instead, the authors of articles, most likely inspired by prohibitionists, purposely leave out many facts. For instance, what other factors in their lives may have affected the subjects mentally?

For example, you may see a 65yo man with mental problems claim he’s been using marijuana for 20 years. And, that’s pretty much all the study took into consideration – marijuana use. Well, what if that 65yo man was a Vietnam War veteran? Wouldn’t the hardships of war contribute to a psychosis? What about potential exposure to chemicals used by the military during the Vietnam War such as Agent Orange? How do you factor the possibility that 65yo man’s other habits may have included alcohol and cocaine abuse?

These factors are NOT considered in these studies. That is why, many times, these studies are debunked and ignored (yet again).

Yet, prohibitionists pick them up and sensationalize them to make our friends and families seem like they are crazy animals instead of decent human beings. The prohibitionists are losing the war on marijuana and they know it. So, they trot out these old, tired arguments that have been debunked time and time again because for many people, this is new information. As I know, this is not new information nor is it a “new” study.

Even before these studies came about, during prohibition’s early days, marijuana was painted as causing psychosis. Documentaries developed in the 30s portrayed marijuana users as everything from out of control young girls to crazed murderers. Law enforcement tried to blame many crimes of that time on marijuana use as is the case with Victor Licata. So, there is a long history dating back to the initial days of prohibition in which law enforcement tries to connect psychosis to marijuana.

The more you educate yourself and educate one another against the misinformation campaign by prohibitionists, we find more and more that marijuana is not the dangerous killer drug that it’s made out to be.

Education is legalization.

Enforcement of marijuana prohibition costs American taxpayers approximately $12,000,000,000 (billion) per year (which goes directly into the pockets of prohibitionists). With politicians interested in cutting spending, wouldn’t it be nice to cut $12,000,000,000 from the budget by legalizing marijuana? Imagine the tax revenues that can be received if marijuana were legalized in the form of new businesses and jobs that can increase tax revenues across the board.

Law enforcement could also do more to solve real crime instead of wasting their time and tax payer funds on petty marijuana arrests.

Thoughts on Medical Marijuana in NY

Yeah. You read the title. On Feb. 23rd, the NY State Senate Health Committee passed medical marijuana legislation. I’ll admit, I don’t fully understand all of these political procedures that NY State government must go through before a bill becomes a law. It seems a bit more complicated than the cartoon of the bill on the steps of Capitol Hill (ha, I’m a rapper now) in DC.

Wait.. it was Capitol Hill right?

Anyway, on the surface, I am happy that NY is finally coming to its sense on medical marijuana. Honestly, it should have happened at least at the same time as California who passed their medical marijuana legislation in 1996.

However, as I read the bill, I am quite upset with the language.

Read for yourself: S4041B: Provides for medical use of marihuana

Low Limits

It would seem NY politicians want to be super strict and allow for tiny amounts of marijuana for seriously ill patients. While they get the gist of medical marijuana, they need to fully understand that they are NOT patients or doctors. Even most doctors don’t understand how to prescribe marijuana. The amounts allowed under this bill – 2.5oz – don’t factor in the need of the patient or the tolerance of the individual.

Some patients are known to use up to an ounce of marijuana a day. I am not talking about the typical recreational user. As a recreational user myself, I don’t think I could do more than a gram a day which amounts to an ounce per month. But, I am talking about seriously ill patients for which this bill is intended. On top of that, the “caregiver” is not allowed to care for more than 5 patients. (Sections 3362 and 3363)

It’s like saying you’re only allowed 10 regular strength Tylenol pills per month for serious migraines. Of course, you can buy a box of Tylenol, thousands of pills, and no one will think twice about it. Unfortunately, you can’t have enough marijuana for terminal illness.

I don’t need ID for Tylenol

The other thing that bugs me is the registration for ID cards. Basically, you’re getting a driver’s license for medical marijuana – name, address, picture, etc etc etc. It says that the Dept of Health will keep the information confidential, that is, until they have a reason to snitch on you which could be as simple as a DEA or FBI or even some local cop requests it.

If marijuana is to be considered medical, why do you need to alert a government agency that you’re using it? It’s medicine, right? I am sure we all, at some point in time, visited a pharmacy to fill a prescription for various medications from asthma pumps to antidepressants to oxycontin and percocet. Did any of us have to register with the government to use these medications? Did you have to stand in line at the DMV to get your picture taken?

I can understand the caregiver, much like a pharmacist, needing registration as a business. But, I don’t see why patients need to be registered with the government to take medicine. It’s an unnecessary invasion of privacy.

No Plant Limits?

The other problem that I have with it so far is that I don’t see any specific information as it pertains to cultivation. For example, how many plants would someone – patient or caregiver – be allowed to grow?

Section 3364 defines “registered organization” as a pharmacy, a licensed facility, a non profit corporation, the department, a local health department, or a registered producer. However, the registered producer, which seems to be the grower/cultivator/manufacturer, can not provide directly to the patients. Such a designation completely separates the grower from the potential role as a caregiver.

After re-reading this section, it looks like I want plant limits. As far as I am concerned, the more the better. No plant limits is great. However, I am afraid that it will be addressed and severely limited by politicians. If they think that 2.5oz is good for a seriously ill person, I can’t imagine what they would believe is acceptable in a grow operation.

At any rate, there is a lot missing from this bill and far too many limits. I have to question politicians that wrote this bill. I wonder if they had any input from the patients that use marijuana. Did they even bother to look into the other 14 medical marijuana states and their provisions. This bill is so very incomplete. If it passed, as is, it would cause more trouble than it’s worth.

If Senator Tom Duane ever reads this or any senator that has to vote on this bill, I’d beg him and them to please talk to patients from other states. Do not ask police or the DEA for their input as they are not doctors nor are they patients. They aren’t even growers/botanists. Speak with the people who need the medicine, not the people who benefit from its control. It would not be unreasonable to allow for more marijuana per patient and to allow patients to grow their own. It would be sensible to allow caregivers to also be “registered producers.”

As a marijuana grower and user, myself, politicians have a lot to learn about the use of marijuana. If they are willing to admit to its medical utility, at some point, they will have to be willing to learn and comprehend why different strains exist outside of the cute names.

I think I need to make some phone calls.

Just as a reminder.. marijuana should be legalized, regulated and taxed. Medical marijuana is nice but it still leaves the door open to the black market and violence against citizens from gangs and police.

Legalize it.
(It’s been 70+ years. It’s obvious you can’t stop it.)

Why wait until you’re suffering to care?

I just read a story over at 420 Magazine via Wacotrib News and it pissed me off so much that I had to say something. Enough with the formalities, let’s go.

Waco Man Teams With NORML in Push for Medical Marijuana

Alan Caruthers, of Waco, says he was 18 years old the first and last time he tried marijuana. It didn’t do much for him. Until this year, he saw no reason to try it again, and he dismissed arguments for decriminalizing it as pothead talk.

It took a four-year struggle with myelofibrosis to change his mind. His leukemialike bone marrow disease gives him constant bone pain. The chemotherapy gives him nausea that makes him vomit daily. The Vicodin, Ativan and other drugs he’s taking to relieve those symptoms are losing their effectiveness, and he’s afraid of getting addicted to them.

So now, at age 44, this Christian family man and lifelong Republican is considering medicating himself with marijuana. And he has become an unlikely advocate for the right to do so legally.
(click title for the rest of the article)

Here’s my response to the article:

This pisses me off.

“It took a four-year struggle with myelofibrosis to change his mind.”

Why in the hell do you wait until it’s YOUR problem before you actually give a damn about people suffering?? That, to me, is the most selfish reason for advocating for medical marijuana. You don’t need to be in the “crap” to give a damn about those already living in it. What’s next? His healthcare costs are going to bankrupt him so he’ll be advocating for the public option or even universal?

Or, worse. What’s going to happen when his issue is resolved? Will he go back to not giving a damn because he’s out of troubled waters, so to speak?

The most that medical marijuana advocates and legalization advocates would ask of people is that they listen and get all of the facts. But, he was not that kind of man. Many people in this nation aren’t willing to listen. I have absolutely NO respect for people like that.

I hope he gets his marijuana. I just want to see how he acts after he gets the treatment he requires.

That’s all I am going to say at this point. I am just severely disgusted.

Marijuana Gives Cancer the Munchies

I just came across this article in my RSS from Spain via Cannabis Culture magazine: New Study Shows Marijuana Helps In Battle Against Cancer. I thought it was pretty significant. Yet, another study showing how marijuana can be used medically. When I hear anything like this, I want to know how it works. How does marijuana help battle cancer? I thought the answer was so funny:

The authors from the Complutense University in Madrid, working with scientists from other universities, found that the active component of marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), causes cancer cells to undergo a process called autophagy — the breakdown that occurs when the cell essentially self-digests.

I thought about it. I just repeated that term: “Self-digests!? So, it literally eats itself to death. Then I came to the conclusion that marijuana causes the cancer cells to get really hungry and since it can’t go to the corner store, it has to eat itself.

But, then I got all philosophical about it..

well if it gives cancer the munchies, am I a cancer. don’t we all get the munchies. WE’RE ALL CANCER now I stop.

Take another puff

But, seriously. This nation spends billions on cancer research and billions on prohibition. Isn’t it this nation’s own stupidity and fear that keeps us realizing this potential cure is right under our noses? My mother had her breasts removed because of cancer. Why did we have to suffer? I’m done.

Pres. Anthony Severly Stuffy Nose Advice

The Situation

Oooooooooooohhh, I’m so sick right now. I can’t think. I don’t know what to write. So, I figure I write about my severely stuffed nose and give some advice on how to handle it. I officially got sick on Monday, Jan. 5th. However, I’ve been able to keep the cold at bay until about Wednesday night or Thursday morning. That’s when it really started coming on strong. Normally, I use Dristan to clear my stuffy nose. But, there are times when a nasal decongestant won’t work. This is one of those times.

My nose isn’t just stuffed, it’s BLOCKED – full mouth-breathing mode. Nothing is getting through. I can blow out, barely, but I am not able to pull in any air. This completely defeats the purpose of any nasal sprays since you have to actually breathe it in through your nose which I can not do. It sucks because the sinus builds up incredibly, causing headaches. All of this mouth-breathing is causing my mouth and lips to dry out much faster. That means I am waking up with a sore throat and some crusty lips. Also, dry mouth promotes bacteria growth. We’ll get to that later.

A few years ago, I used to go crazy with the Dristan.
I’d tilt my head back and squeeze the Dristan in my nose, creating a sort of pool that would somehow seep into my nasal cavities. While this could work, Dristan is not exactly a forgiving medication when overused. In other words, too much nasal spray for too long will actually make your stuffed nose worse. On top of that, it burns your nose which is not a placed accustomed to burning so it hurts a lot more. And, I’ve stopped doing that.

The Remedy

I’ve used a lot of home remedies which you can find on any website. Saline solution remedy works well but it’s a very short time frame as you’re only washing out the mucous for more to replace it. And, you have spit it out or let it drain out the other side of the nose. Anyway, you’ll never find the remedy I use outside of the United States of Anthony. If you do find this remedy without due credit attached, you’ll know it was stolen from me and it works because it’s worth repeating.

Idea theft is a double-edged sword.

Take a piece of tissue. You will want the harder tissue as opposed to the soft Kleenex kind of tissue paper. I prefer to go with cheap napkins or paper towel. You’ll want to create a sort cylinder about an inch long, pen thick. Don’t wrap it so thick. You want it loose but not too loose. So, start tearing off pieces of the tissue and roll it into that shape. If you’ve got frayed edges, that’s good. Don’t try to clean it up with scissors or anything. The more frayed the better. You’ll need to make about four pieces, two for each nostril.

Bend this cylinder of tissue in half and plug it up your nose hole, frayed edges first (if you got em). The tissue is doing two things now. Because you bent it, it’s trying to unbend itself spreading your nostrils open a bit to help breathing. Secondly, the frayed edges of the tissue is helping to collect the mucous a bit, drying out your nose and draining the sinuses a bit. Leave this in your nose for about ten minutes. You may start to feel a little bit of relief after five minutes. Pull them out, blow your nose, (or just blow everything out) and you’ll have a few seconds to use some Dristan or other nasal spray (Vick’s Nasonex is good). After doing so, quickly shove those fresh pieces of tissue up your nose holes to help keep it open and catch all that mucous that may come out. After some time with this annoying tissue up your nose, you’ll begin to breathe easier.

If you’re not using spray (prefer pills), just leave the tissue up there.

Remember, I am not just talking about a stuffy nose. I am talking about that full blockage which requires a little more than just a spray. Just leave the tissue up there. You’ll get a few hours of sleep this way.

Oh Yeah, I forgot!

Now, about that dry mouth, lips, and so on. Make sure you have Chapstick or Chap-et. Personally, I use Blistex. Wash your mouth out with Listerine to destroy some of that bacteria before you try to sleep. Not only will you wake up with funky breath but that bacteria eats away at your gumb line. So, keep a glass of water by the bed. Make sure to have some Tylenol or whatever you use for headaches.

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