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Where is the evidence that marijuana is dangerous and addictive?

After the marijuana rescheduling ruling where the judges basically ignored all the evidence in support of empty words by the DEA, I got to thinking about it. What these paid off judges are claiming that because there are no studies that meet the DEA’s requirements of rescheduling marijuana, there’s no reason marijuana should be rescheduled. The problem here is that the DEA does not allow for these kinds of studies to take place when it comes to marijuana use.

However, the plaintiffs, ASA, provided a number of studies that meet the DEA’s high standards and requirement. Of course, these studies come from other nations who have been on the forefront of studying marijuana. This is why we know that the compounds in marijuana work for so many different ailments from nausea to cancer.

So, we’re caught in an “arbitrary and capricious” catch-22. The DEA needs these specific studies to reschedule marijuana. However, the DEA has to allow these studies to be conducted in the first place and they don’t accept competent studies from other nations. Since the DEA does not allow marijuana studies, how can they ever obtain the proof that marijuana is not the dangerous substance that it’s been proven to be…. wait..


If the DEA doesn’t allow studies of marijuana, then what proof do they have that marijuana is a dangerous and addictive substance?

To this day, we don’t have proof that marijuana is dangerous and addictive. The only proof we have comes from xenophobic, racist congressional testimony from Harry Anslinger which isn’t proof at all. We have the Reefer Madness “documentary” which proved to be nothing more than a sad attempt at fear mongering. Where’s the proof? Where are the anecdotes that show marijuana to be this disturbing substance. It doesn’t exist.

Why is it that the DEA has ZERO burden of proof. They could essentially pick any substance to be placed in the schedules of the Controlled Substances Act. There is nothing in the way to stop them from doing this. There aren’t any brakes or checks and balances placed on these clearly “arbitrary and capricious” powers. The court system has proven to be useless in this matter, so far.

In 1969, parts of the Marijuana Tax Stamp Act was considered unconstitutional. It criminalized marijuana by requiring tax stamps to be purchased. You couldn’t buy the stamps without bringing the marijuana into the office. However, you needed the stamp to even have possession of it. The judge struck this down because it required people to break the law (carry unstamped marijuana into a government building) so that they could comply with the law. It was a catch-22 – need the marijuana to get the stamp but can’t have marijuana without the stamp. At least, this catch-22 wasn’t arbitrary and capricious; it wasn’t based on the whims of an agency with vested interest in keeping marijuana illegal. It was repealed with the passage of the Controlled Substances Act.

If these judges weren’t, in my opinion, paid for by those trying to keep marijuana criminalized, they could have admitted to the catch-22 and done something about the false lack of science that would back up rescheduling. Why didn’t they require the DEA to allow studies to their specifications to be conducted? The fact is, they’re not interested in doing the right thing. There are a number of researchers and scientists who’ve been waiting for years to study marijuana and its effects. But, these judges didn’t make this an issue. They chose to ignore the evidence that’s already available and drop the ball completely. There could have been a compromise to this mess. Instead, here we are with an arbitrary and capricious justice system where right and wrong is based on the whims of judges who really don’t give a damn.

The reality of our situation is that we continue to have laws like this on the books because the interest is not in the safety of American citizens but in the ability to oppress those with whom marijuana is supposedly popular – Blacks and Hispanics. It was true in 1936 and it’s true in 2013. African Americans and Hispanics continue to be the target of anti-marijuana enforcement, targeted more by law enforcement against statistics and research which shows of the marijuana using populations, Blacks and Hispanics make up only 30% of users but easily account for 70% of arrests and incarceration rates.

War on Drugs Math. How much marijuana is really out there?

Usually, when we talk about this failed war on drugs, we speak about the countless lives interrupted, families destroyed, and people lost to senseless murder by our own government. I guess it’s ok because we’re not getting slaughtered like the war waged by the US government in Mexico. But, that’s another story that so many people cover. I wanted to talk about the truly herculean task of the war on drugs.

First of all, consider that in 1936, Anslinger said that there was only 100,000 marijuana users. However, today, there are approximately 28,000,000 regular users, not including the weekly users, monthly users, and first timers. If there is any proof that the war on drugs isn’t working as planned, that should be it. 75+ years later and we’ve seen a 2800% increase in DAILY marijuana use. This is HILARIOUS, at best.

Anyway, the math I wanted to discuss has to do with the amount of marijuana that’s actually floating around on the market place.

In 2009, 2,980.74 metric tons of marijuana was seized by local, state, and federal authorities. It’s accepted that the amount seized ONLY accounts for maybe 5-10% of the marijuana in the nation. But, let’s do some math and we’re gonna need that part of the marble notebook in the back for our conversions. In short..

2204 pounds in a METRIC ton.
1 metric ton = 1,000,000 grams.
2,980.74 metric tons = 2,980,740,000 grams

The reason I bring it down to grams is because there’s usually 1 gram per joint and it’s such a huge number. Let’s give law enforcement some credit and IMAGINE  this number represents 10% of total marijuana production instead of the more realistic 5%. That’s 26,826,660,000 grams that gets USED in the US in 2009. There are 28,000,000 daily users in the US. That’s 958g (2+ pounds) per user per year.

Now consider the more realistic confiscation numbers at 5%. That means there’s ACTUALLY 56,634,060,000 grams, 2,022.6 grams, 4+ pounds per user per year. Personally, I don’t even use a pound in a year. I know there are people who use more than 4 pounds in a year.

Law enforcement – local, state, and federal – is failing American citizens when it comes to their war on drugs in two ways. First, for those that want marijuana eradicated, you’re looking at a 2800% increase in daily use over 75 years + a 5% confiscation rate. And, for those that want to use, law enforcement is not only attacking harmless users but leaving us fending for ourselves when REAL problems occur like school shootings. It’s just incredible to witness the magnitude of this failure in quantity and quality in any and all aspects.

Best Marijuana Legalization Ad That’s Not About Marijuana

A friend of mine put up a video of a Rihanna song on Facebook. I didn’t recognize so I hit play. Then, that annoying ad popped up and I always skip it after the 5 second wait, if the option is available. But, in those five seconds, I got pulled in by this text: “120 MILLION PEOPLE ARE TAKING PSYCHIATRIC DRUGS“.

By the way, that’s just good advertising right there. But, on to the ad.

Briefly, the ad is about the side effects of psychotic drugs or anti-psychotic drugs. It’s two minutes long, mostly text based, and to a rock-like audio track. But, it talks about side effects, that list of things that can go wrong that ALL pharmaceutical companies gloss over quickly in their own advertising.

The poses the question, do you KNOW what these medications can do to you? When the doctor prescribes the drug to you, do you bother to do research on it. The things we find out are SCARY. Our family members are on it. If the spot is true, almost 20% of our nation is using psychotic drugs.

My nephew was prescribed Ritalin when he was about 7. He never took one pill. He’s 16 now. He’s ALRIGHT. Why? He doesn’t have mental problems unless you count being a child to be a mental problem. The doctor tried to give my father Cymbalta. I thought it was for his heart. I looked it up. I tossed the bottle in the trash. My father isn’t psychotic. He’s old and tired all the time. something a man who used to play and teach tennis doesn’t know well. So, yeah, he’s going to get frustrated, upset, annoyed, angry. That doesn’t mean you’re supposed to drug him.

Here’s the spot:

But, why is it a great ad for marijuana legalization? Think about it. We’re a nation who views a plant that has such a low potential for harm as something so evil that it can be legally justified to kill someone in cold blood for even being around it. But, your children can pop these “anti-psychotic” medications like candy. You can live by the bottle and die from liver failure. You can smoke a pack a day and die from lung cancer. You can live by the pill and jump out of window.

But,  you can’t eat/drink/smoke marijuana which even with it’s worst side effects, has never/will never kill you nor cause you to bring harm to others or yourself.

Thank You DEA: Marijuana and Economics

You know, I went to college for business administration.
One of the first courses you take to earn such a degree is economics, more specifically, Intro to Economics. In this class they show you this graph. One axis has the supply of some imaginary product. The other axis shows the demand for this imaginary product. Some lines are drawn to show supply intersecting with demand to determine price. For example, if a company produces too much product, they may want to lower the price of the product so that they can sell the product faster. It makes sense.

Now, let’s apply this simple principle to the marijuana market. When dispensaries were going up in California, prices for marijuana around the nation went up. Why? Simple. California is one of the major producers of marijuana in the United States. You could get high quality marijuana ANYWHERE in the United States. But, when the dispensaries went up, marijuana distribution stayed local, for the most part. Lots of growers took a pay cut because it was safer to deal locally to the dispensaries. They were out of the “criminal” side of the business. In other words, the nationwide supply went down causing prices to go up.

Fifty dollars could get you an 1/8th of an ounce of marijuana; that’s 3.5g.
Usually the bags were between 3.2g and 3.5g. It was acceptable. Meet up with the dealer, ask for a “50” and you knew what we were getting. When dispensaries blew up, the “50” was not comfortably nestled between 3.2g and 3.5g anymore. The weight DROPPED. The “50” came in at 2.8 and dropping. The quantity dropped to about 2g, that’s TWO grams. To add insult to injury, the quality of the marijuana wasn’t always great (always better than schwag, of course). See, the dispensaries would turn away marijuana that wasn’t up to their standards. So, what’s a grower to do with marijuana that may have had a spider mite infestation? Answer: Off to NYC. Of course, someone else would buy it. So, we went from paying about $14.29 per gram to $25 per gram of LOWER quality marijuana. *DOUBLE SLAP*

However, a few weeks ago, I picked up a half-ounce of marijuana for $170 [Reddit]. If you’re from NYC, you know $170 for a half-ounce is wonderful. IN most parts of the US, $170 for a half-ounce is great. Typically prices for a half-ounce is in the range of $200-$250. As I pay attention to the marijuana market, we can see why prices are dropping and dropping quickly. I’ll get into that in a second. Today,  I get a call from my dealer telling me that he’s moving ounces for $300 for me, $350 for friends. I’m special. He always has the high quality stuff. I’ve picked up Jack Herer, Blackberry, Strawberry Cough, Grape Ape, OG Kush, Hindu Kush, Pink Kush, Kush Kush (just kidding), Top 44, C88, C99, Hempstar/Brainstorm, Sour Diesel (Rezdog), NYC Diesel (Soma) and the list goes on and on. I’ve never gotten an ounce from him for less than $375 to about $410 at the extreme. But, here I am getting an offer for $300/ounce.


As the DEA shuts down dispensary after dispensary in California, the growers are stuck with an ever growing supply of marijuana along with an ever growing supply of bills to pay. So, what’s a grower going to do with his huge supply of medical marijuana? Remember, supply and demand; where they meet is the price. Demand is steady but the supply is high. This means that prices are going to DROP. This is all directly the fault of the DEA. They pushed the dispensary out of business and put the grower between a rock and a mouth to feed. That’s not smart on the part of law enforcement but they were never exactly the smartest group.

Consider this: A few weeks ago, I got an ounce for $170. Today, I can pick up an ounce for $300. What happened between NOW and a few weeks ago? What event could have caused the price of marijuana to drop so quickly, AGAIN; from $375-$400 to $300-$350?


Harborside happens to be one of the largest, in fact, THE largest marijuana dispensary in California.. no, the US.. no, the world.. no, the known universe (it’s true). If growers aren’t selling their marijuana through Harborside, where else can they sell it? Answer: Try the rest of the nation. And, we’re all too happy to purchase it. So once again, THANK YOU DEA!! You’ve made it easier on my pockets to buy marijuana in New York City.

Ogden Police Messed Up, Nothing New

I’ve been loosely keeping track of the home invasion by the Ogden, Utah police which resulted in the death of one of their own officers, Jared Francom, as well as 5 more officers wounded. The victim of this home invasion was Matthew Stewart, a veteran of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. He was also injured in the home invasion.And now, the DA is seeking the death penalty for a man who was simply protecting his home.

My big problem with this whole issue is that the police aren’t taking any responsibility for their actions. The prosecutors and judges are ensuring that the police aren’t held responsible for their actions either by charging the victim with murder. They’re hiding behind the rule of law and procedure instead of admitting they messed up by purposely creating a “war zone” situation where none existed.

First of all, let’s take a step back. Why did the Ogden police invade this man’s home? There was suspicion that he was growing marijuana. The police got a search warrant. They went to conduct a search.

So, why did this turn into a war zone? How did a simple search warrant turn into a veteran of two wars firing on police officers?

It’s because the Ogden police, like many other police departments, decided to raid this man’s home. But, they didn’t want to raid his home while he was at work. They didn’t want to raid his home while he was out shopping for groceries. They wanted to raid his home while he was IN his home. They wanted to make sure this guy was at home.

Unfortunately for the overzealous wannabe-military Ogden police, Stewart was a real military person with post traumatic stress disorder. You don’t get PTSD from sitting behind a desk for a few years. You get it from being involved in some things, like war. You get it from being traumatized and stressed so hard that it becomes a mental disorder.

So, how did the Ogden police mess up?

They forgot that they’re a pansy civilian police department. In doing so, they made of the fatal mistake of deciding to bring the drug war to a man who’s not mentally out of a war zone yet and they got their behinds handed to them. It’s not the first time and it won’t be the last. As more of our troops come home, they’ve seen and done things that aren’t easily forgotten. Many of them will have PTSD; many of them will be medicating with marijuana; and many of them will be growing at home.

How could the Ogden police have carried out this search warrant in a smarter way?

  • One, they could have tried to NOT bring a war zone to a man who’s not quite out of the war yet. You do that by conducting your search warrant while he’s NOT at home. That, alone, just might have avoided any and all confrontation.
  • Two, they could have lied to him to get him to come back home if they needed him there. That’s been done before.
  • Three, they could have maintained a perimeter (in case of escape), and just waited for him to answer the door and spoke to him.
  • Four, they could have asked his parents for help.

But see, none of these things are on the menu for most police departments. Some alternative ideas to raiding a man’s home while he’s home might not be the smartest or the best. It’s definitely not as much fun as creating a faux war zone. But then, Jared Francom might be alive today.

Hindsight is 20/20. But, with as many botched raids as have been conducted by various police departments over the years, I have to seriously wonder why law enforcement doesn’t have any kind of foresight, whatsoever. How stupid are you to create a war zone for no apparent reason especially when there are other options available?

And because of typical police stupidity, one man is dead, others are injured, and now the state of Utah wants to murder an innocent man – a man who has fought for this nation and its people – for protecting himself against a home invasion. Or do they? Let’s see what jury of his peers has to say. If I was on that jury, I’d vote “not guilty”. If Utah wanted to bring suit against the Ogden police for reckless endangerment and negligent homicide, that’s an easy “guilty” for me.

It’s so sad that any of this has to happen over a marijuana plant. It’s clear that this ramping up of state sanctioned violence against peaceful citizens is a sign that this war on drugs is coming to a close. It’s that final ditch effort by law enforcement to maintain a strangle hold of control. What they don’t understand is that it’s acts like these that help people make the decision to legalize, outright or for medical purposes.

I wish Matthew Stewart the best of luck.


Help Matthew Stewart Org.

Matthew Stewart @ Facebook

I love when Above the Influence people say “Studies show…”

I was recently looking at just for giggles sake because I was really looking for those hilarious “truth” ads. I like the one where there’s 4 young black men in a car, 3 of them are wasted and the driver is ragging on them while talking about how many great things he’s going to do because he’s not using marijuana. It’s my favorite because I find the driver to be quite pathetic in the sense that he can’t find better friends to hang out with. They went to a party, had a great time, and he’s sitting there bored like a jackass.

Then the other commercial that gets me is the one where the girl is sitting on the couch, literally deflated. Somehow, marijuana did that to her. Her friend is ragging on her as well. We go back to the same issue… WHY ARE YOU SO FUCKING LAME THAT YOU CAN’T FIND BETTER FRIENDS?

I think, the people behind those ads are a bunch of dumb asses. That I could easily develop better anti-drug PSAs while high really shows the level of their stupidity. Perhaps, what it really shows is just how much they’re lying about marijuana use.

What makes matters worse is that they’re not only dumb asses but they’re damned liars as well.

Just looking over the website, I get to the Q&A and it’s filled with falsehoods and general misinformation. But, the kicker for me has to be the claims they make regarding these scientific studies. And, I am the kind of guy who respects a good scientific study, of course. There are thousands of studies on marijuana and its individual compounds all around the world. The problem that I find is that the folks behind Above the Influence have yet to produce a study that backs up any of their claims.

Now, you can go through my blog and see me make tons of claims. The difference between the claims that we make is that, I can actually back up the shit that I speak on. For example, folks at Above the Influence say that marijuana causes learning disabilities and a number of other issues. They always say “studies show….”

Well, you’re the government sponsored website.. where are the studies that prove what you say?

They don’t exist. I’ll tell you specifically why they don’t exist. That claim is backed up by a study. And, that study, the Tulane/Heath study specifically, has been debunked and rebuked. The goal of the GOVERNMENT sponsored study was to show marijuana killed brain cells. And, they sure as hell proved that marijuana killed brain cells.

But, and here’s the kicker, they did NOT release the actual study for review by other scientists and researchers for, what I believe was 3 years. In that time period, the government ran with that information. They told the world that marijuana killed brain cells, causes learning problems, etc etc etc. However, when the methodology was released……….. STOP THE PRESSES.. THEY DID WHAT TO THOSE MONKEYS?

The study was supposed to last approximately one year. Monkeys were to smoke marijuana joints daily. They’d get tested before and after the trial was over to see differences in learning.

Mind you, they were SUPPOSED to do all that. What did they really do?

These lying bastards hooked the monkeys up to gas masks and basically smoked the monkeys out in 3 months with the amount of marijuana that was supposed to be used in one year. In doing so, they suffocated the monkeys, depriving their brains of oxygen. The marijuana didn’t kill brain cells. Asphyxiation through smoke inhalation killed brain cells.

So, I wonder, when the folks at Above the Influence say, “studies show…”, is this the study that they’re saying shows whatever it is they’re trying to get you to believe? Who knows? The bastards NEVER point to any studies. Where are the independent doctors, scientists, and researchers who actually conduct the studies that prove the bullshit? Dr. Fog? Is that all you have over there at the ONDCP?? A fucking mascot in a white coat?

Remember, there are thousands of studies around the world. But, do yourself a favor and look that shit up for YOURSELF. These “above the influence” websites are run by undereducated mothers who are scared to let their children eat candy more than once a week. They don’t do the research and they come up with these incredibly DUMB ASS ads that are, at best, ineffective and laughable.

The ONDCP should give me the money to come up with those ads. Sure, I’ll lie for you, for the money. But, I’ll want twice what you’re paying the idiots who run the current ads right now. It’s not because I’m lying or going against some moral obligation… BAHUMBUG. It’s because I am that damn good. Of course, I’ll smoke a blunt before I get to work. But, you’ll definitely get some quality advertising with some intelligent thought behind it AND it will actually be effective and not the joke of America.

Haaa, can’t tax my marijuana!


The fight to legalize marijuana seems to be making major inroads as politicians, greedy for funds of any kind, find ways to get those tax revenues without a direct increase to the taxpayer. While there are some politicians have a more honorable reason for promoting the legalization of marijuana, there are many others who have no interest in the welfare of their own friends, family, and community; they’re in it for the money.

At any rate, I could care less about their reasons for legalization. All I care about is that it get legalized.

However, what I do care about is how legalization takes place, particularly in the way of taxation, for now. I assume that quality control will be an issue in the future as I am sure companies like Altria, makers of smokable poison like Marlboro cigarettes, would find ways to weaponize marijuana as they did with tobacco.

But, I have a solution for all of that.

The problem with taxation are the high expectations for tax revenues. These politicians believe that the current pricing for marijuana will be stable. For them, that high cost equals high tax revenues. But, they don’t recognize that these high costs are in part due to prohibition. Once prohibition is repealed, marijuana prices will drop considerably and those major tax revenues will drop with it.

This is why legalization is not a particularly great solution for the economy. And, here I am making that prospect even worse.

The reason I intend to make it worse is because there’s a segment within the marijuana community that believe in absolutely no taxes for marijuana use. This is because they consider marijuana a medicine and you simply don’t tax medicine. However, it stands in the way of legalization because it if we’re to get it legalized for everybody, taxation has to be a reality.

Besides, medicinal users are already being taxed by having to pay upfront fees for licenses, doctors prescriptions, and the ability to grow if they are providers.

Side Note
I call that the Republican way to tax. See, Democrats tax you from the front so you see it coming – income tax, sales tax, etc. Republicans reduce face-front taxes. They just wait for you to turn around and bend over so they “tax” you up the behind with increased fees for anything you want to do. Democrats will rather tax your income to pay for roads. Republicans rather put tolls at every street intersection they can find. For example, in NYC, Mayor Bloomberg has sought to lower “face-front” taxes, yet proposed fees for entering the Manhattan below a certain street. Hey, you’ll pay either way so just laugh about this now, think about it later.

The real issue is that medicinal marijuana users don’t like the idea of being taxed at the rates proposed under complete legalization. It truly is their medicine and they shouldn’t be taxed for it. And, let’s be honest, those rates are incredibly ridiculous no matter who’s paying. Not even alcohol or tobacco are taxed as heavily as what’s proposed for marijuana. So, I don’t blame people for getting upset.


As a consumer, I propose that, under legalized and severely overtaxed marijuana, users, for whatever purpose, do not buy any marijuana until competition increases supply causing prices to come down and the tax rates are reasonable, at least within comparable levels with alcohol and tobacco.

The question at this point is how can this be done.

First of all, the politicians will do most of the work for this effort to be a success. By promoting prohibition level pricing, even after the repeal of prohibition, it wouldn’t make sense for a marijuana grower to sell his product at wholesale prices when he can still operate and compete as though prohibition still exists. In fact, it can be considered as prohibition-plus since taxes are going to be a major factor. As a consumer, it would make sense to simply go directly to the grower and avoid any taxation whatsoever.

Side Note
While this may not be desirable, the politicians will have to learn a hard lesson here. It’s not a lesson that wasn’t already anticipated in history. During the repeal of alcohol prohibition, politicians, then, knew that the legal market would have to price-compete with the illegal market. Otherwise, it would be impossible to regulate and collect taxes. If today’s politicians are too stupid to anticipate such competition and too arrogant to listen to the people, then they deserve to look like fools when their ridiculous taxation scheme doesn’t produce the kind of tax revenues expected.

The second and most favorable method is self-reliance – grow your own marijuana. I am always promoting growing your own marijuana for personal use, so nothing new here. If marijuana is legal, who’s going to come looking for you if you’re growing a few ounces. Even though that marijuana is illegal, it’s still safer because you completely remove yourself from law enforcement radar. You’re not a Mexican drug cartel. You’re not out trafficking bricks of marijuana. And, you’re not out dealing on the streets. The only problems you may have is if smell gives you away or someone you tell decides to snitch on you. So, limit your exposure by investing in heavy odor control and not telling anyone.

Final Side Note
Personally, the only reason I would ever get caught is because of this blog or perhaps the few people that know about me. And, I know what I am doing by exposing myself. But, if I can motivate more people to grow their own, I can help limit the violence injected into the lives of peaceful people by careless drug dealers and aggressive law enforcement as well as reduce the profits of violent drug cartels that most law enforcement protect with their support of prohibition. It’s worth it if I can save another life.

Marijuana: Legalization vs Prohibition and Children

Children as a tool for prohibition

One thing that prohibitionists use to keep marijuana illegal is the fear that legalization will be a danger to children. Children seems to be the door into the heart of a parent. Prohibitionists lie about marijuana’s use, effects, and its users. One on side, you have the local, state, and federal authorities who get people to believe that marijuana users are dangerous. On the other side, you have organizations who want you to believe that potheads are lazy, unemployed, losers. In both of these ways, they strike fear into parents about what their children will become if they started using marijuana.

What mother wants to hear that her child will become from raving maniac after using marijuana? What father wants to hear that his son might end up lazy and worthless in the home after trying marijuana? If you’re a parent that doesn’t know anything about marijuana, you’d play it on the safe side doing what you can to keep your children from using marijuana. It makes sense to me. I’d do the same thing if I were walking in their shoes.

But, the difference between myself and these parents is that I know all about marijuana. I know the good and I know the bad. Although this is not about the safety of marijuana, I’d be foolish to not at least mention this once: Marijuana is safe! The point of this is to present the argument to a parent who believes that marijuana is dangerous.

I prefer to compare prohibition to legalization as it pertains to the safety of children.

Prohibition vs Legalization

We know what prohibition brings us. We’re living it. Every year, billions of tax payer funds are spent fighting this war on drugs. Millions of marijuana plants are eradicated every harvest season. Hundreds of thousands of people are arrested and/or incarcerated for anything from a joint to pounds of marijuana. Hundreds of indoor grow ops are torn apart.

That all sounds good. If you pay attention to what law enforcement is doing, you’d feel they were doing a lot. But, how does this all factor into the protection of your children?

Well, if it’s fair, we can say that the amount of marijuana that gets into the United States is directly related to the ease of access by your children. The more marijuana in the US, the more available it will be in your area. To get a good idea of how much marijuana gets into the US, we have to look at what law enforcement’s eradication efforts really mean as a total of all marijuana. In other words, how much does law enforcement shave off of the total supply? The answer – law enforcement’s eradication efforts account for only 5-10% of all the marijuana that gets into the nation. In other words, the remaining inventory of marijuana in the US is about 90% and higher. That means your children have a much better chance of finding marijuana than law enforcement is admitting. The point is that marijuana is free flowing and freely available in the United States.

The first time I ever tried marijuana was when I was 14. I didn’t get high so I didn’t think about it again. The next time I smoked marijuana was when I was 16. I got very high but it wasn’t something that would stay with me. My friend got that marijuana from a dealer both times. I didn’t smoke again until I was 23.

I am now 30 years old. About 3 weeks ago, I was on Flatbush Ave. in Brooklyn, NY. I went into the store with friends to buy cigars (used for rolling marijuana blunts) and the clerk asked me for ID. I found it hilarious. I hadn’t been carded in a long time. My friends told me that I still have a baby face. It reminds me of times when I go into ask for an alcoholic drink in a restaurant and the server asks for my ID. They ask for IDs in clubs, bars, and lounges. If it’s got an age requirement, they want to see ID.

If you’re a parent, like my own parents, my friends’ parents and some of my friends now, you know you can not be there all of the time. The best you can do is teach your children right from wrong and hope they don’t get into any trouble. But, they do. You were once a child, as I was, and the one thing we did was get into trouble.

The question that I have for parents: When your children are introduced to marijuana, do you want it to be from a dealer on the street or store clerk that will ask for ID?

Think about it.

How many children have you seen walk into a liquor store? Even in regular grocery stores, what are the chances that a baby-faced kid can walk out with a bottle of beer or a pack of cigarettes?

Under legalization, regulation is necessary. That means, the same controls in place for adult items – tobacco, alcohol, pornography – is the same controls that would be placed on marijuana. Chances are it would be sold alongside tobacco products in a tobacco shop. Maybe, marijuana would be sold in grocery stores. The common thread here is that all these locations offer control, more control than what is offered by a dealer on the corner.

Prohibition won’t protect your children

Prohibitionists claim that marijuana is dangerous to children. How can they advocate for a system that gives control of such a dangerous substance to criminals? How can they claim that they want to protect children while promoting a black market that don’t have a reason to care about children?

You can believe that marijuana is the most dangerous substance in the world. It doesn’t matter how you feel about marijuana. What matters is that we protect children. Prohibition didn’t protect me then, it doesn’t protect your children now, and it won’t protect your children tomorrow.

Dumb Cops, Ignorant Media Exaggerate Marijuana Value.. AGAIN

Did you guys think I was lying about dumb ass cops and the media that help them spread their garbage in my last post?

Read: Marijuana, the New Gold Rush

Here’s another one to sink your teeth into. Let’s go…

Marijuana operations shut down

It seems cops in Texas have found the ultimate marijuana grow operation in the world to date. Even I’ve never heard of marijuana grown this way. You won’t believe what the cops said..

Plants grown this way shoot up rapidly and produce plants free of stems and seeds. The dried leaves produce a high dollar drug. “Street value would be around $6,000 an ounce,” explained Kerss, who also invited in the DEA and Texas Rangers into the investigation.

Well, slap my ass and call me Susan.

I’ll be damned if the idiots actually found a marijuana plant with NO FUCKING STEMS. And, if you think that’s a misquote or typo, the cops continue to say that it will be worth “$6,000 an ounce”. Yeah folks – leaves, roots, and no stems. Technically, they didn’t say anything about roots or even buds. It’s no wonder this marijuana has a street value of 6,000 per ounce. It doesn’t have any damn stems. The THC level must be around 200% too.


And, your tax money was spent saving us from whom?

So far, deputies have charged Charles Thomas Smith, Timothy Gillispie,63 and Daniel Poirier,54 all of Nacogdoches County with engaging in organized criminal activity.

Yeah folks, the DEA and Texas Rangers were called into this “amazing” haul by the local idiots to save the American people from 3 senior citizens! Ok, I’ll be fair to the local, state, and federal authorities here – 2 senior citizens and 1 almost senior citizen. I wonder if that makes the “authorities” feel better about what they’re doing with their lives.

And, what exactly did they find at this amazing marijuana grow operation?

The alleged growers of marijuana were into hydroponics. Only one lush marijuana plant was found.


How many cops from how many different agencies spent how much tax payer money for ONE plant?

Well, to be fair, it was quite a nice operation they had going on from the video – very well kept home and property, top notch equipment, and a nice hydroponic setup. I see the grow lights, the mother room.. shit.. they even had the meters to keep track of pH and ppms and so on. By the quick look at the nutrients, it seems they were growing organic.

The good thing about organic growers is that they are naturalists for the most part. They won’t use unnecessary or unnatural products. They won’t give you anything that they won’t use themselves. It was a high quality operation, very clean.

When marijuana is legalized, I hope these guys get out and start up their farm again. It was impressive. It’s the kind of the model that indoor commercial growers should probably follow. We need more growers like that supplying the consumers.

Til then folks, GROW YOUR OWN.

On another note, I don’t think I can just leave this without giving some honorable mention to the idiotic media, KTRE and, the author of this stupidity, Donna McCollum. Without their propagation of infinite stupidity and lack of journalistic integrity, people are lead to believe that marijuana can possibly bring them $6,000 an ounce. I don’t think anyone is stupid enough to believe that marijuana can grow without stems… WAIT.. Donna McCollum and KTRE was stupid enough to run that line in this fairytale.

$6,000 an ounce… aaaahhhh hahahahahaha.. SO STUPID.

Legalization could prevent a 4yo boy from sharing cocaine

I just read an article on ABC News and I had to put some education to it.

NJ Police: Dad Tells 4-Year-Old Cocaine Is Candy

New Jersey police say a 4-year-old boy shared cocaine with his friends at day care because his father told him it was candy.

Personally, the only “drug” I care about legalizing is marijuana. It’s a plant, not a man-made chemical. But, I would be a careless fool if I didn’t admit the benefits to legalizing all drugs.

Prohibition was always a bad idea. We learned that lesson during the prohibition of alcohol. Prohibition-inspired wars between gangsters like Al Capone and law enforcement like Elliot Ness left only dead bodies and crying widows. Even then, people continued drinking alcohol as they pleased. Prohibition didn’t work and it wasn’t worth another life.

With the legalization of alcohol, came regulation and taxation. Alcohol was no longer under control of the gangsters like Al Capone but instead behind the counter tops of liquor stores where harmful substances could be controlled, kept out of the hands of children.

Instead of learning those simple lessons, the US followed alcohol prohibition with marijuana prohibition and subsequently a total prohibition on anything considered a drug. Go figure.

While there exist Al Capones of the illegal drug market today, guys like Shaheed Wright exist as well. Shaheed Wright is a drug dealer, dealing cocaine and probably other drugs as well. He is also the father that told his own 4yo son that cocaine was candy as he sent him off to school with baggies of cocaine in his pocket.

The problem with these small time drug dealers is that they control the drug market and they decide who gets drugs. Where alcohol, and even tobacco, were taken out of the hands of people like Shaheed Wright and Al Capone, prohibitionists have given these people the job of gatekeeper of powerful substances. With no regulation, who’s going to tell Shaheed Wright to whom he can distribute his product? No one!

Granted, it was an unfortunate situation that lead up to the boy getting the cocaine, we can not absolve prohibitionists for placing the responsibility of cocaine in the hands of irresponsible people like Shaheed Wright. Why aren’t we treating these drugs like alcohol and tobacco? Why are they so easy to obtain?

I ask this simple question to those that believe prohibition is the way to go:

How often does a 4yo boy end up sharing alcohol or tobacco with friends at school?

And, if you need help realizing why prohibition is a failure, read this article:
Former U.S. anti-drug official’s arrest ‘a complete shock’
As a high-ranking U.S. anti-drug official, Richard Padilla Cramer held front-line posts in the war on Mexico’s murderous cartels. He led an office of two dozen agents in Arizona and was the attache for Immigration and Customs Enforcement in Guadalajara. While in Mexico, however, Cramer also served as a secret ally of drug lords, according to federal investigators.

If you think individuals like Richard Cramer are a rarity, ask yourself why, with billions of dollars going to eradicate drugs, local/state/federal authorities can only catch 5-10% of the TOTAL drugs that get into the US. Planes, trains, boats, trucks – Richard Cramer isn’t the only weak link in the chain.

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