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I don’t want to smoke anymore…

Mind you, I type this with a half-burnt, unlit joint between my lips which I will relight as soon as I find my lighter….

I have just had the most smoked out weekend I’ve ever had in my life, absolutely, the most smoked out weekend.

So, I went down south with some friends. And, we’re keeping actual identifying details to a minimum here, of course. Anyway, it was two days of good friends and good bud. There was some other kinds of bud there but nothing was better than what I ‘had brung’ from up north, that OG Kush to be exact.

I know most of my readers are bong smokers but we roll blunts around here. So, get your cringing out now if you’re inclined to do so. I do understand but it’s a way of life up here.

We smoked all the time. The only time we weren’t smoking is when we were asleep. There was always a blunt in rotation.

I actually got tired of smoking marijuana. So, I need to take a break… 30 days! My tolerance was already way too high and I definitely need to give my lungs a rest anyway. And, they say marijuana is addictive.. what a joke!

Special thanks to…

  • …my friends
  • …my connect here in NYC
  • …the smoking suites at Comfort Inn and Econolodge in NC
  • …the cop who smelled the car, knew what we were doing, and let us go free in… VIRGINIA.
  • …Republicans for defunding government services such that there aren’t any police on the street and they aren’t educated enough to know where to look even if they were on the street

Marijuana Growers, Don’t Fear Legalization

Hey folks, here I am back with another post. I know I am usually far and in between with my posts but you must know I don’t blog just anything. I blog when the passion hits me. That means, it has to be important enough for me to address.

19.0 wet grams of Princess Diesel

Well, here we are in the United States, not quite on the advent of legalization but the movement is steady in that direction. We’ll truly be on the advent of legalization when the US Congress starts having the guts to challenge the status quo. But, I doubt that will happen until this treaty business with the UN is addressed. But, I will address that at another time when all my information is gathered.

Anyway, there seems to be a major problem within the marijuana growing community in regards to legalization.


Some folks simply don’t want it legalized. We’re not talking about the maniacs who’ve drinking that DEA juice. We’re talking about the growers who are persecuted AND prosecuted by the very laws they want to protect.


Well, what really happens if marijuana is legalized? It means that the local and illegal market will have to contend with the world market as well as large money interests who can eye a new major industry.

In other words, COMPETITION.

It’s easy when there isn’t much marijuana to go around and millions of users. You can pretty much charge what you like. If you’re a student of business, as I was (BBA in Marketing), you understand that price can dictate demand if there isn’t enough product to go around. However, demand will dictate price if there is too much product on the market. When marijuana is legalized in the US, you’re going to have entire nations clamoring to supply this hungry market. The situation reverses.

The idea of paying $50 to $65 for an 1/8th (3.5 grams) of marijuana is out of the window.

But, is it?

Absolutely not. I want to let my marijuana growing friends know that it isn’t out of the window at all. The game just changes. And, you will have to learn to adapt with those changes. Let’s look at the tobacco market which, I believe, is identical to what a marijuana market will look like if and when legalized.

Sure, you have companies like Marlboro who sell cigarettes by the ton. But, what do they do to that tobacco? That’s right. We all know that story. The tobacco industry tuns tobacco into smokable bullets. Take enough hits and you will die. It’s as simple as that. However, who says you have to buy tobacco from Marlboro?

I always remember going to Nat Sherman in NYC on 42nd Street. It’s an amazing tobacco shop. They don’t sell crap either. I don’t smoke tobacco at all. However, if I did, Nat Sherman would be the only place I would visit. You go inside and you see jars of loose tobacco on the counter. It looks like a dispensary would look like today. As old as Nat Sherman is, I’d bet they were the model for many of these marijuana dispensaries today. But, they sell tobacco.

Simply put, there are pockets of tobacco aficionados out there. And, I know this doesn’t alleviate your fears but let me show you why you shouldn’t be fearful of a legal marijuana market. Keep reading…

Ounce of Mexibrick schwag.

At the same time, you have Mexican drug cartels who sell marijuana by the ton. We all should be familiar with Mexican grown marijuana (see pic). It’s basically the same as corporate tobacco – mistreated and trashed. And, who exists among those large corporations to bring customer high quality marijuana??


Just as folks at spots like Nat Sherman don’t care for the low-cost poison that companies like Marlboro deliver to communities around the US, we don’t care for the low-cost poison that Mexican drug cartels deliver around the US. Just like Nat Sherman, you will and have always targeted folks who could afford, and would pay for, a high quality product.

Will things change? Absolutely. But, the change simply means you’ll be able to come out from hiding. You will find it easier to attract better clientele. It’s like the wine industry, the cheese industry, the beef industry and so on. They all have low quality producers and high quality producers. Someone looking forward to a nice wine isn’t going to the corner liquor store for some Yellow Tail.

If you want to stay competitive in the future, worry about the quality of your own product. Don’t worry about the large corporations, the Mexican drug cartels, or nations in Asia, Africa, and so on. They’ll all be thinking about high profits by increasing production and cutting costs. That means, just as they do with tobacco now, they’ll gladly shred up seeds and stems in your future marijuana cigarettes as well as poison them.

They won’t be able to produce a high quality product like you and therefore won’t be able to compete at your level nor for the same customer base. It’ll be the right of the people to choose their poison. And the same market that goes after high quality marijuana right now will be looking for you tomorrow. This is why I say worry about the quality of your product.

Do you think the likes of Marlboro can compete with this when marijuana is legalized?
They can’t even compete with other quality tobacco today!!

Also, differentiation and specialization will become important. Since we may be a few years away from legalization, it’s not a bad idea to shed the European breeders and start some breeding programs of your own right here in the US if you haven’t already. For example, I grew out some Princess Diesel. But, who can’t get Princess Diesel through a quick visit to the Reservoir Seeds or some other seed site. Imagine if I had a strain of my own. Sure I could grow out other stuff. But, this strain would be mine and no one would be able to grow it but me.

So, stand out even more by creating your own strain and stabilize the phenotype (grower talk). We have a few years before marijuana is legalized. It won’t hurt to start now. Just make sure that when you’re finished, you keep seeds in a safe location for the future.

The Problem With The Marijuana Legalization Movement

Here I am responding to a YouTube video where this guy is going nuts over some nice hash. As a grower myself, I like what I see. It’s good stuff. But, something stuck out to me and this interaction came about.Ya know, I love to go on YouTube to see folks smoking buds, talk about growing, etc etc etc. You know when someone is in it for the recreation, medicinal value, and/or just the love. I have to admit that for some time I did kind of feel that medical marijuana was only a stepping stone to legalization. Then, I saw folks like Michelle Rainey. I knew people who needed marijuana for true medical reasons existed but I didn’t really see them.

That changed my view of medical marijuana. Granted, I am indeed a recreational smoker. I have no medical need unless you count the slight bouts with insomnia. Marijuana has always helped me get to sleep and regulate my internal clock. But, I don’t need marijuana to do that. So, yeah, I am totally recreational with it. I grow for my own personal use. I have no problem admitting that.

However, that doesn’t mean I can’t have and show some respect to the people who actually do use it medicinally. So, it bothered me to see this guy on The Weed Report acting like a pure fuckin idiot in regards to medical marijuana. That’s why I posed the question to him.

Simply put, how are other people supposed to think about marijuana after seeing this stupid ‘sumbitch’ on YouTube completely disrespect medical marijuana by claiming VIP patients. I just wanted the guy’s point of view. And, he dodged the damn question. Like I alluded, he lost a lot of points for that.

First of all, how does it look to people who don’t know much about marijuana or who are brainwashed by the government? Let’s keep in mind that in many states, those people are in the majority. We need their support. Second, if medical marijuana is a stepping stone, then why destroy the step before we get to the next step of legalization?

You want to run a medical marijuana business, at least act like medical is somewhere in there and has some importance. Have some respect for the cause. There are a lot of sick people out there that really need marijuana and many who don’t need it taken away from them by stupid, arrogant stereotypes.

I truly hope that when it comes down to it, there are enough of me – professional, self-employed, successful potheads who give a damn- out there to keep clowns like that in the shadow long enough to make his influence insignificant. What’s sad is that at the end of it all, the clown thinks he’s being brave. Go figure.

I am just trying to imagine any pharmacist raving about the potency of the medication they’re giving people.

“Oooooo Anthony, this Albuterol Inhaler hits like a dream man! You’ll be breathing like a champ in no time. Check me out while I take a few pulls…. AAAAAAHHHHHHHH GOOOOOD *cough cough* SHIT MAAAAN.. HIT THAT, HIT THAT! Albuterol is wild stuff.”

Would you take your pharmacist serious if they had that attitude about the medication you’re buying?

Quick Update 5/28/10
As predicted the coward deleted the last three comments and blocked me from commenting on his video. I only went back because someone else commented to what I said. Make up your own conclusions.


Another Reason Marijuana Prohibition Won’t Win

I was walking back home from the store when I noticed something and thought I should take a picture:
Yes, those are simple plants, growing in the corner between the base of a building and the sidewalk. There isn’t much sunlight on this particular block. Beyond that, there isn’t much soil for the roots either. As far as a water source, the closest this plant will get is rain water. For most people, this plant shouldn’t even exist.

Yet, there it is. Life.

I wonder if the proponents of prohibition understand this level of resilience and strength.

Sure, the building’s superintendent will probably scrape out those plants as he cleans up the sidewalk. Law enforcement is no different. They’ll scrape out whatever marijuana plants they can find. As both the super and law enforcement know, it’s a plant and it’ll be back.

Even if you tear up the foundation of the building and tear up the sidewalk, the plant will be back. It’s not going anywhere. If you think about it, to get that sidewalk and build that foundation, plants were already destroyed.

That’s the marijuana movement folks. We’re just like that plant. You feel we don’t belong. You feel we should be eliminated. You’ll get a few here and there. But, even without the light, without a true foundation, and without a source of food, we’re still here. Even if you get every last root, we’ll be back with the wind.

70+ years later, we’re still here, old plants and new plants. We’re all still here.

Nope. Prohibition won’t win. You folks simply don’t understand the resilience and strength of a plant.

Never Tax MEDICAL Marijuana

How do you go about telling a terminally ill person that they’ll have to pay more for their medicine? Do you just pass the tax without so much as speaking with them? Do you ignore their hardships and pain? Have they ever even bothered to visit someone in true pain?

With that said, what kind of no-soul-having-black-hearted-son-of-a-bitch would seek to tax the medicine of someone suffering from AIDS, cancer, or a multitude of other terminal diseases?
In passing medical marijuana legislation, politicians admit the medical utility of marijuana while rejecting recreational use. They may not understand how marijuana helps but they only need to know that it does help. This is why they gave marijuana the respect of “medicine” as it deserves. If you respect medicine, especially the kind that truly helps the worst of the worst, then you shouldn’t seek to worsen a terminally ill patient’s overall condition by increasing the cost of their medicine even further.

In taxing marijuana, politicians show it disrespect as a medicine. If they don’t respect marijuana as medicine then why pass the medical marijuana legislation?

What’s happening here is that politicians are playing a game. Unfortunately, this little game they’re playing is on the backs of dying people. I’d rather see marijuana re-criminalized than to see greedy politicians seeking to tax terminally ill patients’ medicine.

It’s just not right.
If politicians want to tax marijuana, then legalize it completely. You can’t have it both ways. Unfortunately, that’s coming from a person with a heart. It might not be a heart of gold but it isn’t blackened and hardened to the world around me.

Unfortunately, this is coming from some very cowardly politicians who want to try to juggle the lives of the constituency between rabid law enforcement, a not-much-better criminal element, and budget deficits. This is totally NOT the right or honest way to go about it.

You do NOT close your budget gaps on the backs of the sick.
That is just filthy.
At least if you legalize marijuana you could affect a lot of positive change in the US. For starters, we could free up law enforcement funding to fight true crime – rape, murder, battery, robbery, and so on. Instead, police officers are busying themselves with petty marijuana arrests simply because it’s easier and safer to do. At the same time, it makes them look like they’re doing their jobs which they rarely do.

You can allow an entire industry (that already exists) to be legitimate. Businesses can open up, employees can be hired. You can also protect the citizens by regulating for quality control. And, you can collect taxes on it all – newly developed businesses, purchases, imports/exports, and so on.

I am not saying that legalization will save the economy. But, it can not hurt us more than the mess we’re in now. And, you won’t have to do it on the backs of sick and dying people.

Either, respect the medicine or legalize the “drug”!!

Thoughts on Medical Marijuana in NY

Yeah. You read the title. On Feb. 23rd, the NY State Senate Health Committee passed medical marijuana legislation. I’ll admit, I don’t fully understand all of these political procedures that NY State government must go through before a bill becomes a law. It seems a bit more complicated than the cartoon of the bill on the steps of Capitol Hill (ha, I’m a rapper now) in DC.

Wait.. it was Capitol Hill right?

Anyway, on the surface, I am happy that NY is finally coming to its sense on medical marijuana. Honestly, it should have happened at least at the same time as California who passed their medical marijuana legislation in 1996.

However, as I read the bill, I am quite upset with the language.

Read for yourself: S4041B: Provides for medical use of marihuana

Low Limits

It would seem NY politicians want to be super strict and allow for tiny amounts of marijuana for seriously ill patients. While they get the gist of medical marijuana, they need to fully understand that they are NOT patients or doctors. Even most doctors don’t understand how to prescribe marijuana. The amounts allowed under this bill – 2.5oz – don’t factor in the need of the patient or the tolerance of the individual.

Some patients are known to use up to an ounce of marijuana a day. I am not talking about the typical recreational user. As a recreational user myself, I don’t think I could do more than a gram a day which amounts to an ounce per month. But, I am talking about seriously ill patients for which this bill is intended. On top of that, the “caregiver” is not allowed to care for more than 5 patients. (Sections 3362 and 3363)

It’s like saying you’re only allowed 10 regular strength Tylenol pills per month for serious migraines. Of course, you can buy a box of Tylenol, thousands of pills, and no one will think twice about it. Unfortunately, you can’t have enough marijuana for terminal illness.

I don’t need ID for Tylenol

The other thing that bugs me is the registration for ID cards. Basically, you’re getting a driver’s license for medical marijuana – name, address, picture, etc etc etc. It says that the Dept of Health will keep the information confidential, that is, until they have a reason to snitch on you which could be as simple as a DEA or FBI or even some local cop requests it.

If marijuana is to be considered medical, why do you need to alert a government agency that you’re using it? It’s medicine, right? I am sure we all, at some point in time, visited a pharmacy to fill a prescription for various medications from asthma pumps to antidepressants to oxycontin and percocet. Did any of us have to register with the government to use these medications? Did you have to stand in line at the DMV to get your picture taken?

I can understand the caregiver, much like a pharmacist, needing registration as a business. But, I don’t see why patients need to be registered with the government to take medicine. It’s an unnecessary invasion of privacy.

No Plant Limits?

The other problem that I have with it so far is that I don’t see any specific information as it pertains to cultivation. For example, how many plants would someone – patient or caregiver – be allowed to grow?

Section 3364 defines “registered organization” as a pharmacy, a licensed facility, a non profit corporation, the department, a local health department, or a registered producer. However, the registered producer, which seems to be the grower/cultivator/manufacturer, can not provide directly to the patients. Such a designation completely separates the grower from the potential role as a caregiver.

After re-reading this section, it looks like I want plant limits. As far as I am concerned, the more the better. No plant limits is great. However, I am afraid that it will be addressed and severely limited by politicians. If they think that 2.5oz is good for a seriously ill person, I can’t imagine what they would believe is acceptable in a grow operation.

At any rate, there is a lot missing from this bill and far too many limits. I have to question politicians that wrote this bill. I wonder if they had any input from the patients that use marijuana. Did they even bother to look into the other 14 medical marijuana states and their provisions. This bill is so very incomplete. If it passed, as is, it would cause more trouble than it’s worth.

If Senator Tom Duane ever reads this or any senator that has to vote on this bill, I’d beg him and them to please talk to patients from other states. Do not ask police or the DEA for their input as they are not doctors nor are they patients. They aren’t even growers/botanists. Speak with the people who need the medicine, not the people who benefit from its control. It would not be unreasonable to allow for more marijuana per patient and to allow patients to grow their own. It would be sensible to allow caregivers to also be “registered producers.”

As a marijuana grower and user, myself, politicians have a lot to learn about the use of marijuana. If they are willing to admit to its medical utility, at some point, they will have to be willing to learn and comprehend why different strains exist outside of the cute names.

I think I need to make some phone calls.

Just as a reminder.. marijuana should be legalized, regulated and taxed. Medical marijuana is nice but it still leaves the door open to the black market and violence against citizens from gangs and police.

Legalize it.
(It’s been 70+ years. It’s obvious you can’t stop it.)

Marijuana, the New Gold Rush


What do you get when you tell a population of 300 million people that you can get between $2,000 and $15,000 per marijuana plant?
Answer: You get a population of 300 million people believing that marijuana is worth somewhere between $2,000 and $15,000.

What do you expect when upwards of 20% of this population are desperately looking for a job?
Answer: A 20% of this population willing to do just about anything to feed their families and save their homes.

Now, here’s the big question…

What do you get when a large number of people willing to do just about anything read or hear in the news that a simple marijuana plant can bring them between $2,000 and $15,000 each?


More people selling pot as economy goes up in smoke

Out of work? Some folks are trying pot. Not to smoke — but to sell.

That’s the route increasing numbers of people are taking amid the worst recession in decades, according to law enforcement officials based in ganja-rich regions around the country.

Marijuana farming rebounds in economic hard time

“A lot of that, we theorize, is the economy,” said Ed Shemelya, head of marijuana eradication for the Office of Drug Control Policy’s Appalachian High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area. “Places in east Tennessee, eastern Kentucky and West Virginia are probably feeling the recession a lot more severely than the rest of the country and have probably been in that condition a lot longer than the rest of the country.”

The Problem

Well, if you didn’t click on the linked “$15,000” in the first question, the answer is there (along with the story of Georgia cops who came up with that wild figure).

Prohibitionist Idiot #002: Lies Cops Tell

In short, purely idiotic local, state, and federal authorities that severely exaggerate the value of marijuana and the media that propagates their nonsense. It seems the value of marijuana is subject to any idiot’s imagination. If you’re ignorant of marijuana value, you’ll believe it. If you’re desperate, you’ll look for information on how to grow it.

These conditions, created by idiotic police, have backfired in the worst way possible – for prohibitionists. Now “everyone” wants to grow marijuana like it’s the gold rush of 1849 all over again. And, I am happy to help.

Is marijuana legalization working? Yes it is!

Economics 101

In any economics class, even in high school, we learn that the more supply there is, the more the prices will drop. In fact, that lesson was hard-learned during the Great Depression. Manufacturing companies produced so many goods that they couldn’t get them sold fast enough. If everyone in the US already has a television, then it will be difficult to sell new televisions. Seriously, this is Economics 101.

Well, listen to this.

No government agency is going to be able to tell you what I am going to tell you right now. They don’t have their fingers on the pulse of marijuana growers in the United States – not like I do. There’s no article to link to that will tell you what I know. There aren’t any reporters who can be this close to the situation. So, sit tight and pay attention.

Marijuana growers are hurting in California. Let me repeat this fact so everyone can see it in plain English.

Marijuana growers are hurting in California.

The level of competition has gotten so high that prices have to come down across the board. It’s literally flooding the market. And, the customer base is NOT going up so there’s no one there to “consume” all of that extra supply. Think about it. Marijuana is so easily and readily available. Who couldn’t get it? How many more customers are going to try marijuana beyond the ones who are already using it?

Also, it’s the harvest season between late September, through October, into early November. That means MORE marijuana is going to flood the market thus lowering prices in the next few weeks.

The growers are looking forward to local, state, and federal authorities’ eradication programs. They want the eradication programs to take place because that lowers supply thus decreasing competition and keeping prices high.
The big problem are SOME of these “compassionate” clubs. They still charge street prices even though many of them are low-balling the growers on wholesale prices. Can you blame them? With all the increased supply, they have a right to demand lower prices. I just think it’s sick that some of them would knowingly have lower costs and still charge people street prices. But, this is a function of prohibition and greed. It’s a middleman’s market and these clubs are taking advantage in a big way.

For the record, in less than a year, legalization is doing what prohibition could not do in 70+ years. It’s taking the profit out of the crime.

It’s still early, but I will wait to see what this season’s harvest brings.

On another note

This is specifically why I promote personal marijuana growing.

If everyone had their own grow operation, they wouldn’t need to buy marijuana from anyone else, or less often, thus curbing crime and freeing up the burden on police to do the impossible. Until marijuana is legalized, regulated, and taxed across all 50 states, I will continue to promote personal marijuana grow ops.

It’s easy. I’ll start you off. Anthony’s Marijuana Growing Advice

Honestly, I have a feeling I’ll still support personal marijuana growing even after legalization. Can you imagine what the tobacco industry would do if marijuana became legal. We already know what they do to tobacco – adding carcinogenic chemicals beyond the stuff the plain tobacco will do to you. I can’t imagine seeing anything good out of Marlboro Marijuana cigarettes. Nope, I’ll keep growing my own.

If marijuana is regulated, I would hope the regulations include a “NO CHEMICAL ADDITIVE” rule, law, statue – whatever. The tobacco industry relies on these chemicals to process tobacco into those cancer sticks. However, today, we grow marijuana without these harmful chemicals and there’s no reason that practice should ever change.

Why wait until you’re suffering to care?

I just read a story over at 420 Magazine via Wacotrib News and it pissed me off so much that I had to say something. Enough with the formalities, let’s go.

Waco Man Teams With NORML in Push for Medical Marijuana

Alan Caruthers, of Waco, says he was 18 years old the first and last time he tried marijuana. It didn’t do much for him. Until this year, he saw no reason to try it again, and he dismissed arguments for decriminalizing it as pothead talk.

It took a four-year struggle with myelofibrosis to change his mind. His leukemialike bone marrow disease gives him constant bone pain. The chemotherapy gives him nausea that makes him vomit daily. The Vicodin, Ativan and other drugs he’s taking to relieve those symptoms are losing their effectiveness, and he’s afraid of getting addicted to them.

So now, at age 44, this Christian family man and lifelong Republican is considering medicating himself with marijuana. And he has become an unlikely advocate for the right to do so legally.
(click title for the rest of the article)

Here’s my response to the article:

This pisses me off.

“It took a four-year struggle with myelofibrosis to change his mind.”

Why in the hell do you wait until it’s YOUR problem before you actually give a damn about people suffering?? That, to me, is the most selfish reason for advocating for medical marijuana. You don’t need to be in the “crap” to give a damn about those already living in it. What’s next? His healthcare costs are going to bankrupt him so he’ll be advocating for the public option or even universal?

Or, worse. What’s going to happen when his issue is resolved? Will he go back to not giving a damn because he’s out of troubled waters, so to speak?

The most that medical marijuana advocates and legalization advocates would ask of people is that they listen and get all of the facts. But, he was not that kind of man. Many people in this nation aren’t willing to listen. I have absolutely NO respect for people like that.

I hope he gets his marijuana. I just want to see how he acts after he gets the treatment he requires.

That’s all I am going to say at this point. I am just severely disgusted.

The Myth of Marijuana Potency


I’ve been keeping up with marijuana news more and more and something has gotten to me. It seems that the government has decided to rehash another long dead lie about marijuana in an effort to scare people into their way of thinking. The big lie is that marijuana is now more potent than it was 40-50 years ago. This is an old lie, debunked time and time again. The people that fall for it, the citizen drug warrior whose too stupid to know any better, makes it worse by extrapolating various absurdities from government-sanctioned drug DEAlers.

One of the great liars is the former drug czar, John P. Walters. Here he is lying about marijuana’s potency via TheFreshScent.

The Great Marijuana Lie

One of the greatest lies, and my personal favorite, happens to be that marijuana growers are somehow genetically engineering some kind of super weed to explain why it’s more potent. First of all, genetic engineering as a science is still very much in its infancy. To apply it to marijuana cultivation would be very costly and I doubt your local grower has that kind of money and the Mexican drug cartels are far from interested in delivering more potent marijuana. If they cared at all, Mexican cultivated marijuana wouldn’t be some of the weakest marijuana available after hemp.

Do you really think “El Diablo” wants to drop his fortune trying to genetically modify marijuana when he could easily use it to buy another yacht, hotel, bank, federali, or military person? If you’re one of these citizen drug warriors, you’re probably stupid enough to believe that one. I wouldn’t be surprised.

The reason people come up with these outrageous lies is because:

  1. the naive don’t know who to get the truth from and
  2. they have to figure out some way to justify the lies.

Well, that’s what I am here for.. to tell the truth about marijuana potency. Marijuana is NOT any more potent today than it was back in the 1960’s. Allow me to repeat that…


Fish Analogy: Explaining different potencies

People have to first understand that there are different kinds of marijuana out there. It’s like the different types of fish. Fish have developed these traits over the last few million years long before genetic testing was so much as a glimmer in anyone’s eye due to their environment. Just as environment can produce all kinds of cool, weird, beautiful, big, and small fish species, the earth’s differing environments have produced different kinds of marijuana plants from small to tall to bushy to lanky with light green to purple colors. The potency ranges from less than 0.5% (hemp) to upwards of 20% (skunk). It’s simply been this way for thousands of years. No one has done anything different to marijuana other than search and grow the best kinds.

As a grower, of course, I am going to look for strains that have the highest potency. It’s no different than a home owner choosing which type of flowers, shrubs, and small trees he or she wants in their backyard. You want the best, so you look for the best. If you can have the most beautiful garden with a large variety of plants, what would you do?

Lacing the Truth

Although the government is blatantly lying about the potency of marijuana at every turn, there are some nefarious types out there. They do modify marijuana after it’s already grown and harvested. These people will spray marijuana with chemicals that are harmful, if not fatal.

However, this can be compared to the lack of regulation that existed in the meat packing industry. Unregulated, you’d find all kinds of substances in your canned food from metal shavings to rats. It took the creation of the Food & Drug Administration to clean up the meat packing industry.

So, what are we to expect when it comes to a wholly unregulated marijuana industry? In the UK, people are spraying marijuana with some kind of silica to increase weight. In the US, almost everything is used to lace marijuana from roach spray to formeldahyde. If we want to protect ourselves, we’re going to have regulate the marijuana industry to eliminate violent drug cartels as well as limit the danger that is inherent to a black market system.

Last Word

Unfortunately, the US government continues to leave the marijuana industry unregulated and dangerous. This is why I advocate growing your own marijuana. You can control the quality as well as keep money out of the hands of violent drug cartels. Unfortunately, growing your own marijuana, no matter how much it actually helps save lives, is a crime where men like Eddy Lepp and Charlie Lynch go to jail for providing good, clean, quality-controlled marijuana to various patients.

8 decades later and the best this government can do is continue lying about marijuana instead of controlling it.

Good job, America.

One More Thing

While the government is claiming that marijuana is reaching some kind of dangerous potency, pharmaceutical companies have created a synthetic (fake) 100% THC pill called marinol. And, it can’t get any more potent than 100% pure. As long as marijuana remains illegal, drugs like marinol can be created so that pharmaceutical companies can make as much money from prohibition as possible.

If marijuana doesn’t have any medical value then why would a pharmaceutical company develop synthetic marijuana in pill form? The sad and pitiful part is that it doesn’t even work because it’s too strong. Patients on marinol report of incapacitation for days at a time and terrible hallucinations. On top of that, marinol does not contain any of the helpful substances like Cannabinoids (CBDs) and Cannabinols (CBNs) which specifically help relieve nausea, alleviate pain, and relax you. Natural THC degrades into those CBDs and CBNs. How is unnatural, synthetic THC in pill form going to degrade into CBDs and CBNs? It won’t which is why it does not, will not, and can not work.

But, thanks to the US government, terminally ill patients who can actually use natural marijuana can’t get their hands on it. Their only option is a pill that doesn’t even work.

Once again, good job, America.

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