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Grinders & Glass: Essential Tools of a Marijuana Kit

This is a guide on the types of items you would have, should have, or might already have if you were hardcore about marijuana use let’s get on with the show.

Glass Bottles

Most times when you buy marijuana, it comes in a plastic ziplock-type baggy. The problem with plastic is that it will let the smell out eventually. This is no good when you have a particularly strong strain of marijuana. You want to keep the scent as lowkey as possible. Glass bottles have an added value in that they are used to cure marijuana even further. Curing is a process will aids in adding taste and flavor to marijuana so it’s an added benefit to keeping your bud in glass.

Unless you’re a grower, you won’t need big bottle. Small bottles will do the job fine. The best kinds to use are baby food bottles, Gerber and Beechnut. They are easy to find and they have this “gum” under the cap to keep food sealed in and fresh. This will only help in keeping your marijuana sealed in and fresh!

Personally, I have 2.5oz and 4oz bottles but I keep two 2.5oz in my kit because I may have more than one strain on me at times.


The grinder is important because it will aid in breaking up the weed efficiently and effectively. You can always use your fingers but good marijuana will not break up easily with your fingertips. It can be a very sticky situation.

How do you go about choosing a grinder? You have three decisions to make: material, internal structure, and function. Grinders come in plastic, wood, and metal (steel or aluminum). The internal structure refers to the teeth that grind the substance. They have straight metal sticks, triangular shaped shark’s teeth, and then the diamond cutters.And then, there are some grinders that do more than grind. They have something called a pollen catcher which contain a screen that will catch loose THC in a lower compartment, collecting it as you go along.

Personally, I have two grinders.
Both are made of metal and have triangular teeth. Both did have a screen for catching pollen but one had the screen removed because it was pushed up against the holes causing marijuana to be stuck in between. This particular one is in three parts. My other grinder is in four parts, solving the problem of stuck marijuana by moving the screen down into the separate part. I keep the 3-part grinder in the kit because it is smaller and allows room for other things.

I would not buy the plastic or the wood because I find they are cheaply made. The grinders that only grind have an issue of sometimes grinding too much AND not grinding enough, turning one side to dust and the other into big clumps. The good thing about the other grinders is that the ground up marijuana will fall through holes so it’s the perfect texture – fluffy, not too coarse, not too fine!

Note: In a pollen catcher, the loose THC, or kif/kief, will build over time allowing one to eventually create smokable hash which will have an almost pure THC content. You can either smoke the hash on it’s own or put it in a joint or blunt with more weed for an incredible high.

Small Pipe & Papers

Now we need a tool for actually smoking the marijuana after it’s taken out of it’s glass bottle and ground up. We can either go for our trusty pipe or grab some papers to roll a joint. There are too many types of pipes and too many brands of papers to discuss so I will talk about my current kit and throw in some tips.

Personally, I have what’s called a one-hitter, bat, or chillum. It’s made of color changing glass (over time, use causes it to change colors a bit). Pipes come in different shapes, colors, and materials including wood, metal, and ceramic. Papers come in many forms: colored, flavored, transparent. It’s really going to be up to what the person decides s/he wants to use. For a long time, I used Bob Marley papers. At one point I was in love with chocolate flavored papers. I’ve even tried the transparent ones, Aleda! It will be up to the individual to pick the type of pipe and papers they will want in their kit.

Remember when you put fire to marijuana in a pipe, you burn the pipe as well. Wood burns. It sucks if it’s been treated because you will be smoking the chemical it was treated with. On top of that, it holds the smell which is what you don’t want. A good glass piece will not hold smells as long as it’s cleaned properly. And the sign of a good glass piece is that it doesn’t have bubbles.


Now, you’ve got your weed, it’s ground up and it’s all rolled up or bowled. Now what? You need to be able to put fire to it! You need to have at least two lighters in your case. One should be a quality trusty lighter and the other is for back up purposes to be kept in the kit at all times. You may even want to keep more lighters if you want.. Why? Sometimes, you misplace it. If you’re already high, it’s a bitch to look for something when you really don’t want to get up. So it’s good to know where there’s another handy lighter.

Personally, I keep a Colibri Talon, jet/torch ligther, with me at all times. I actually have two of them in red/silver and gunmetal/black, two Zippo lighters in blue and silver, and a few cheap ligthers for back up. Even when I don’t plan on smoking anything, it’s good to whip out a nice lighter when if a pretty lady decides to light up in front of you. A Zippo is nice but if there are high winds, a nice jet will do the trick. Besides, you want to have something that will have some level of impression, right? RIGHT!

The Case

A kit can’t be a kit if all of the pieces don’t have a home! Your individual parts are homeless. They have to belong somewhere. The only important thing to remember is that the case have be able to hold your weed, which should be in a bottle, your grinder, lighter(s), pipe and papers. You can use any container but let’s have a little class about it! Find something that you can appreciate! A wooden case, a cigar case for example, if big enough, is a great case to complete your marijuana kit. But, don’t be afraid to upgrade over time. Maybe, you can make your own and as many do!

Personally, I use a hardened plastic and metal constructed case with a cheap key lock on it. It isn’t meant to be a safe or anything that serious or heavy but it does the trick.


This is bascially anything else that can aid in your use of marijuana. For example, I have one friend who purchased a metal bowl which could be used for other things if necessary.

Personally, I keep an old metrocard, small blue plastic case, razor blade, metal stick, pocket microscope, and a pocket scale in my current kit configuration. I used to keep a scalpel and other items but not anymore. I use the metrocard as a way to sort of sweep the area of things. I may use it to collect the marijuana into a pile or scoop it up. I can also use it if I need to clean an area off! The small blue case is for crumbs that may have fallen out during the rolling of a previous joint or blunt; it’s the crumb case. I also use it in case I don’t finish a blunt, I can salvage the weed from the roach and put it in the case. Why burn my fingertips? I wouldn’t want to corrupt the smell of my weed in the bottle! The metal stick is used for pushing weed down in the blunt in case it comes too far up. The scale is just so that I can know what weights I get from my dealer. The microscope is used to inspect the marijuana closely for quality purposes. It’s a bit advanced but that’s in the next installment, potentially!

So, that’s your marijuana kit! You’ll be ready for anything once your put your kit together. Take your time in putting it together. This will be your kit for a long time! Don’t be afraid to upgrade if you have an opportunity to do so. Finally, keep in mind that it’s your choice so choose what you like.

Relevant Link: Grinders & Glass: Four Levels of Marijuana Smokers

Grinders & Glass: Four Levels of Marijuana Smokers

There are four levels of marijuana smokers. The first three levels are easy to attain. The fourth level requires years of experience. For each level, you need particular tools of the trade.

Typical Smoker

This person just smokes what’s out there. He doesn’t care what it is as long as he’s getting high. He’ll, at least, have a connect and know how to roll his own joints and/or blunts. Some people exist at this stage for a long time, sometimes for life. They simply aren’t interested in other things marijuana-related. You’ll find scavengers, most women, and some small timers smoking mainly mexibrick weed (cheapest) and maybe once in a while finding something worth the time.

The Marijuana Kit:
Small Utility/Pocket Knife if anything at all.

Typical user won’t need much smoke. He can basically do everything with his bare hands and a little spit. At most, he will only use a small knife to aid in rolling.

Educated Burner

He cares about what he is smoking and how he smokes it. He will learn as much as possible about marijuana and be on a clear path to marijuana enlightenment. This is the level where people find out all of the bullshit names of marijuana on the street are the same damn thing. For example, hydro is NOT a type of marijuana. Hydro is HOW it’s grown. It’s like saying I got that “soil”! Soil is not marijuana and neither is hydro. In this level, you will find snobs and medical marijuana smokers.

Marijuana Kit: Knife, grinder, container, and different smoking apparatuses: glass, wood, ceramic, metal, papers of different brands and flavors.

The Educated smoker will research marijuana and learn as much as possible about his favorite marijuana! For this he will need to experience different types of marijuana as well as different ways to smoke to find his own comfort zone. He will know he needs a grinder because breaking bud up by hand has become an annoyance as he now smokes so often. He will need a container to hold all these things.

Expert Toker or Connoisseur.

The expert will have figured out a lot of things about marijuana and himself. He’ll have a favorite type of marijuana having tried many different strains and knowing the general type of reaction each one will have. You can ask the expert anything about marijuana and he will be able to tell you.

Marijuana Kit: Knife, Grinder, Scale, Microscope, Special container, Glass Bottle, small one-hitter.

Why? At this point, the knife is just in case. You don’t know why or when, but you will need it. The grinder is for grinding marijuana if you need it. Small digital scale is used to make sure you get proper weights from the dealer and to measure out how much you will want to use per blunt or bowl so you don’t overdo it. Microscope will be used to inspect the marijuana as you get it. A glass bottle will be used to help with two things: further curing and smell. A small one-hitter will be useful with small quantities.

Elite Connoisseur.

It takes years of experience in marijuana and a tight network of trustworthy people to reach this stage of the game. He will more than likely be someone who has grown his own marijuana. He will be able to pinpoint strains by sight, smell and taste. This is the guy that travels and is always on the move meeting different people in different countries.

Marijuana Kit? NONE!

Why? The Elite Connoisseur will have already experienced all levels of marijuana smoker. He will rely on his bare hand skills from th first level since he can’t take any paraphernalia with him, his open-mindedness in the second level to be willing to try new things, and the knowledge he’s gained in the third level to be able to offer a valid opinion.

Relevant Link: Grinders & Glass: Essential Tools of a Marijuana Kit

Marijuana Strains and Potency

There are two types of marijuana regardless of the strains. I suppose you can say three but I will hit that soon. Indica and Sativa.

Indica gives that heavy, lazy feeling that relaxes you. It helps you focus a bit more because you are more relaxed. This is good for me when I am working on a project because I have a touch of ADD or ADHD and it’s easy for me to lose focus. Another example is seeing my cousin install a car stereo. Usually, he’s very talkative but when high and working, you can’t stop him til it’s done! A lot of strains tend to be heavy indica.

Sativa gives those psychedelic effects but it’s not as strong as most people might fear. It’s very light and it more or less enhances the moment than anything. This is what makes people find mundane things incredibly hilarious! Sometimes, you may even see flashes of color and images. Don’t worry, you are still in your right mind and you won’t have the urge to play superman at all!

The “sort of” third is basically the cross between the two. For example, some strains may be 70/30 Indica or even 60/40 Sativa depending on the dominance of the strains. It’s very scientific when you get down to it if you understand biology and so on.

Arizona will most likely be the first kind of weed most people would be able to try especially coming from the city. This is the weakest and cheapest strain of marijuana available. It’s grown mainly in Mexico with their dry, arid land. So, the yield will never be as potent as other strains. They also grow quite a lot of marijuana so it’s very cheap and easy to get. Usually, your neighborhood dealer will have this. It’s good to start out on but it gets annoying after a while. Haze is another “hood” favorite. It’s stronger than Arizona but it ain’t the best. Other stronger strains that I’ve tried include Super Silver Haze, White Widow, Grapefruit, Mango, OG Kush, Jack Herer (The Emperpor Wears No Clothes), Hempstar, Sugarbear, BC Big Bud, Chase and I can’t remember the others. Some of these are cross strains. Basically, that’s just the child of two different strains. For example, my most recent “partaking” included a cross between OG Kush and Grapefruit from a private grower which has no official name yet! It reminded me a lot of Hempstar because it was high in THC and it was FUNKY!

Here’s a little story for you to let you know the potency of these strains. I had smoked half a blunt of Hempstar. My boy was coming through so I set up a little gift package for him. The rest of the blunt and enough on the side for him to roll one when he gets home. Before we smoked, we hit up the movies. He was holding the “package” in his coat pocket. About half-hour into the movie, I started to smell it. I asked my boy if he had it out and he said no, it was in his inside coat pocket. Well damn, maybe it’s just me. Who could smell it through all of that insulation. Five minutes later, he says that he could smell it too. It ain’t my imagination. Fifteen minutes later, a woman two seats away from my boy, three from me, speaking as loudly as any Harlem hoodrat could in a movie theater blurts out that it smells like someone is smoking weed. I just started laughing out loud. My boy apologized and just said that’s how potent it is. You can smell that shit that far away. At least, she didn’t get stupid about it outside of being a typical loudmouth. Anyway, we get back to my other boy’s crib and they hit the half-blunt. These dudes eyes closed right up and I was just watching and laughing at them.

Neither Arizona nor Haze will do that. That’s how you know you have quality.

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