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Marijuana Monday Ep 13: Education is Legalization

Marijuana Mondays

Education is proving to be legalization in the United States. For far too long, Americans have been lied to about marijuana by various entities feeding off of other entities. The DEA has led the charge in misinforming the American people about marijuana. This campaign of misinformation is like the misinformation that put American voters behind Bush when he decided to go to war in Iraq. Usually people are afraid of what they don’t know. But, the DEA uses misinformation to promote and grow that fear of marijuana. Just as we, as a people, were educated that the War in Iraq was based on a lie, we are also realizing the War on Drugs is based on numerous lies. There is nothing wrong with questioning our government. Doing the right thing is the obligation of any citizen but we must know the full truth to do THAT right thing.
Check the last episode: Marijuana Monday Ep 12: Oh, Happy Days!

Pot Mumblings

Medical marijuana could ease economic pains

“There is a great opportunity here for the government to collect significant tax revenue currently being lost to the street market,” Nash, one of the best-known legal cannabis producers, enthused.

Although this article is from Canada, they have some of the same problems that we have here in the US in regards to marijuana. That is, rampant ignorance of marijuana leading to irrational policy making by an out of touch government controlled primarily by corporate/business interests that are frightened of the competition from marijuana (alcohol, tobacco, pharmaceuticals, lumber, and so on). The point of the article is to alleviate the economic burden of marijuana prohibition on a society that is suffering financially.

The problem around the world is the lack of education which needs to be addressed first. People still believe that marijuana is some evil substance. It’s interesting when hundreds of thousands of people die each year from consumption of alcohol and cigarettes while they decide the fate of a plant that is about as toxic as a cold glass of water. Something to think about here in the USA.

Marijuana Advocates Look to National Agenda

A bill introduced by Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) that would decriminalize possession of up to 3.5 ounces of marijuana in the U.S. is cited as a starting point for hearings and discussion of the issue on a national level.

Those crazy folks in Massachusetts are trying to go national with their successful campaign. Although the effort is already nationalized, there’s something to be said about whatever they did in Mass. because all 83 counties voted for marijuana decriminalization by a margin of 2 to 1. That’s resounding success. I don’t know exactly what they did but the only way I could see it working is if they were out there educating people on marijuana. We have to undo the fear factor taught by the DEA and other groups and agencies that ignorantly peg marijuana as a bad substance.

Carl Olsen v. Drug Enforcement Administration – 2008

Here is an individual trying to get marijuana reclassified in the schedules of the Controlled Substances Act. Marijuana exists in Schedule 1 (or section 1) of the CSA.

Schedule 1 of the Controlled Substances Act
(A) The drug or other substance has high potential for abuse
(B) The drug or other substance has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States
(C) There is a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other substance under medical supervision.

It has this distinction because the DEA (no one else makes these decisions) decided that marijuana fits it. But, anyone who knows anything about marijuana knows that it doesn’t fit at least one of those requirements. But, here’s the truth about it:

  • (A) Marijuana is not addictive and can’t be abused. (Then again, anyone can abuse anything. Fat folks abuse Big Macs. This doesn’t mean that Big Macs should be a Schedule 1 narcotic.)
  • (B) 13 states along with many medical associations agree that marijuana has incredible medical value.
  • (C) Marijuana is nontoxic and can not kill therefore there is NO safety issue

The DEA knows that if people are educated on the truth, they’re job gets harder. It gets harder because marijuana is too easy to get. You can see plants growing if they’re outside. Dogs can smell marijuana through anything. It’s the most widely used “illegal” substance in the US so there’s no shortage of “criminals” to catch. Marijuana makes the DEA look like a capable and functioning agency when you hear they’ve pulled up millions of plants per year and arrested hundreds of thousands of people. It looks good on paper because of the high numbers.

You take marijuana away, they’ll HAVE to concentrate on fighting REAL drug crime – cocaine, heroin, meth, extasy, and so on. These chemicals cost much much more than marijuana so they come in smaller quantities and they don’t stink like marijuana. Dealing with addicts are much more violent and likely to end in violence. Let’s be honest, what kind of danger can someone high on marijuana pose when they show smokers “deflated” on a couch because marijuana makes you “boring and lazy”. Do you really need no-knock raids and assault weapons for a marijuana smoker?

Green Tip of the Week: Anthony’s Reminders

Reminder: Roll tighter to decrease air flow so that the blunt or joint doesn’t burn faster.
November 1st is the official day that I started back smoking marijuana. I’d chosen June 1st as my official stop smoking day although I had stopped somewhere in mid-May after a food poisoning. After 5 months of not smoking, I lost a bit of my skill in rolling. I found myself rolling blunts too tight. Anyone who knows me knows that I roll just a little tight to control air flow. The more air flowing, the faster a blunt burns down.

Reminder: If you’re going to roll a blunt, use enough marijuana to get a good roll
Although on Nov. 1, I rolled perfectly the first time back, I had some trouble over the weekend. Serious medical aid was needed. I rolled it way too tight. But, it didn’t dawn on me why I rolled so tight until I got home. I forgot something important. My boy is very cheap when it comes to weed. I remembered that unless I put in more of my own, we’re gonna end up on some little skinny shit. The problem is that my natural rolling style is to feel for a proper roll with my fingers; I stopped looking a long time ago. If there’s too little marijuana, the roll is going to be too tight.

Reminder: Use a tip or “filter” for your blunt
Finally, the one thing that I do which I forgot is to use a tip. Most people use rolled up pieces of paper which they’ll call a “filter”. I use quotes around the word because it doesn’t filter out anything but marijuana that might fall out or be pulled out when you inhale. However, the tip I use is actually from the stem of a plant. And, I forgot to use it until I saw it in my kit and remembered why I use it. See, plant stems are hollow to help aid in water transport within the plant. On top of that, it keeps the back from collapsing which is helpful. It definitely helps.

Marijuana Media: Medical Marijuana Testimonies via MPP [site]

Marijuana Monday Ep 12: Oh, Happy Days!

Marijuana Mondays
Yes folks. Happy Days are on the way for marijuana legalization effort. We’ve got a new president in Barack Obama, a former marijuana user (and so much more). While there is no comprehensive change in marijuana policy at the federal level, various votes at the state level are sending a signal to the people and the government that it’s time to take a smart approach to drug policy in general and marijuana policy specifically. I think the possibility that marijuana may be legalized in imminent, within two years or by the end of 2010. And, that’s my prediction.
Check the last episode: Marijuana Mondays Ep 11: Deprioritizing and Lacing

Pot Mumblings

Americans Reject Bush Drug War Doctrine

  • Massachusetts is the thirteenth state to approve marijuana decriminalization after Alaska, California, Colorado, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, North Carolina, Ohio and Oregon.
  • Michigan approves a medical marijuana initiative much like California’s marijuana policy. And, Wisconsin may be next.
  • Arkansas voters in Fayetteville have voted to tell police to deprioritize marijuana which is an effort to tell police that they’re wasting too much time on petty arrests. The people are not happy with their performance. We can only hope they pay attention to their employers, the people
  • In California, they defeated a measure which would put arbitrary limits on the amount of marijuana needed by patients. People still don’t understand enough about marijuana to start throwing limits on it. Some folks can literally go through an ounce a day which is a lot even for a burner like me.

The thing that bugs me about these state-level changes is that they do not fully address the manufacturing and trafficking, or in less criminal terms – growing and distribution, of marijuana. They only cover the possession of small amounts. We need a more comprehensive policy at the federal level along with proper regulation of the potential industry. They’re steps in the right direction. However, it’s all still a crime which creates more criminals and, sadly, incentive to deal with unregulated criminal elements.

The good thing is that Barack Obama is going to be the new president. This is not some tight wad prick. He’s a former marijuana user, at least. He knows marijuana isn’t dangerous and he knows it’s not addictive. He’s a very common sense kind of individual. I have a feeling he’ll replace the drug czar immediately with someone who’s going to completely revamp drug policy in favor of a legalized and regulated industry.

Cannabis Q&A

How has the bad economy affected your consumption? Have the prices gone up?
The economy has definitely lowered my consumption and caused me to cut down a bit. The smart move right now is to put your money in the bank account and try not to spend too much. Prices have gone up but in a backward sort of way. Instead of actual prices going up, quantity has gone down. So, we’re paying the same price for a lot less. When a full eighth, 3.5 grams, used to be $50, we’re now getting less than 2.5 grams for the same $50. You know what it is when you walk around with a digital scale.

But, as I always say, the future of marijuana is in personal growing (if it isn’t legalized). Plants can be kept small. You don’t always need a lot of space. People are growing in small boxes [source] and PC cases [source].

Green Tip of the Week

Moisturize Your Smoke
While this is a tip that everyone should know about, many people still don’t. Sometimes we get marijuana that’s dry. Dry marijuana will do the trick, just more harshly as the dry smoke dries out your mouth and throat. Marijuana that has a little moisture in it, will be a little bit better on the throat. To put moisture back into your marijuana, place something moist in the same container with whatever marijuana you’re about to smoke. That “something” could be a piece of fresh lettuce, small slice of orange peel, or wet a small piece of tissue and leave it locked in the container. The moisture from the tissue will begin to humidify the container and the marijuana will soak up whatever it can get. Give yourself about two hours for this process to take place. In the end, you want your bud to be spongy feeling. When your squish it, it won’t turn to dust but instead show some elasticity. Also, the stickier the better.
Warning: Be careful not to put too much moisture in the container for a long period of time. Mold will form on the bud. Smoking mold will kill you. The best way to prevent mold is to keep your marijuana in a cool dry place. The refrigerator works very well.

Marijuana Media: Law Enforcement Against Prohibition [site]

Blogging While High Ep 2: Gimme some Christianity, Hold the God

This Blogging While High episode was brought to you by Northern Lights.
Read Blogging While High Episode 1: What happen to the story in porn?

This is something I’ve been thinking about for quite some time now. It sort of came to me backward in the sense that I understood the answer before I knew the question. The answer came about when I was having my troubles believing in God. It’s not that I am atheist completely. I consider myself a realist, a rationalist, and a naturalist. I think there is a god but not a Christian god nor a Muslim god nor a Jewish God nor the bunch of other gods out there. It’s only just now that it hit me did I realize the question. If Christianity didn’t have the strong faith of a God behind it, would Christianity be better?


I believe the problem with Christianity is in the the Bible’s strict and tight connection with God. If you believe in a god, any god, then the stories attributed to that god become real for you. Some part of you has to believe in the mythology of the Three Kings following a star to baby Jesus, Moses parting the Red Sea, the Ten Commandments, and Noah building an enormous ark for two of each animal. That’s some incredible shit to pull off.

But, let’s try to separate God, or the strict belief in God. Let’s read the bible and view the stories as if God were just the connecting character in a series of short stories, poems, and songs written by different people at different times. What if Moses was part of a larger group and Exodus was in one of those raids to free slaves in Egypt? He had a few rules and didn’t want anyone getting in the way. And, Exodus, being the poet/writer, wrote the story and decided to embellish it a lot. So, wading through some water or taking a boat became “parting the Red Sea” and those simple rules of Moses’ original group became the Ten Commandments. They stuck simply because they’re a damn good set of rules. And, Moses isn’t necessarily chosen by God, but instead was lucky enough to carry Exodus to freedom.

The scenarios can get crazy in describing how the bible came about. What if God was a real person? He was just telling some great stories and someone decided to write them down. That would explain the whole, “as told to me by God” issue. My point, with the Ten Commandments, is that the message can still be delivered without believing that it came from a higher omnipotent being.


In separating God from Christianity, I reject the frivolity and think more dynamically about the stories. I take lessons from them and at the same time keep away from the rabid fanaticism. I truly do believe in, “Thou shalt not kill.” However, I am not “faithful” enough to sit quietly and “accept God’s will” or pray for a different outcome. I don’t believe in God. So, if I have to break that commandment, then so be it.

Sober Update

I have to say I agree. Christianity, through the Bible, does offer a lot of good guidelines to living. However, there are some concepts and ideals that are taken too far. It’s my ultimate opinion that it’s the strength that people give to a god that allows them to take the stories of the Bible too far. The Bible is a book of parables or fables. We should learn from it, not force its stories into reality.

Marijuana Mondays Ep 11: Deprioritizing and Lacing

Marijuana Mondays
In news, the good people of Fayetteville, AR want the police to deprioritize marijuana persecution enforcement. Of course, the general policy makes sense but it’s half-assed on the part of the people. And, marijuana is once again being laced with something. If you’re ignorant, you’ll think this is a reason why marijuana is not safe. I got a great Q&A regarding the longest time I’ve been without marijuana. The tip of the week has to do with finding a paraphernalia. Lastly, I found a Youtube video by Remo, the Urban Grower. Email me your questions, issues, or concerns about marijuana.
Check the last episode: Marijuana Mondays Ep 10: Puff Puff.. No Pass??

Pot Mumblings

Will Fayetteville Become The Next City To ‘Deprioritize’ Pot?
This seems to be the trend in many cities where the people have finally figured out that the prohibition of marijuana is worse than the marijuana itself especially since marijuana is nontoxic. The problem with deprioritizing marijuana is that it doesn’t address marijuana legislation. All they’re doing is asking the police to be more efficient when it comes to crime.

The problem is that police officers like to get into the kind of ignorance that prohibition causes. Police officers like to fight; they do it for the rush. So, stopping some poor sap for jaywalking (an already police-initiated deprioritized crime) isn’t as much of a treat to their ego. However, giving a guy a hard time over some weed is really something they like to do. This is how they have fun and take breaks – harass marijuana users and use the time to prepare paperwork as a lunch break.

Is cannabis being doped with Viagra?
This is truly an issue of legalization and regulation. During the days before meatpacking plants were regulated, people would find all amounts of other stuff in their canned meat like rats and rat feces. This is the same problem with marijuana today. Since it’s not regulated like a meat market, people don’t care what they lace marijuana with. Back in the day, marijuana may have been laced with cocaine or even heroin. Lately, it’s been laced with sand or metal shavings to increase weight so it would sell for more.

Now, we have reports of people lacing marijuana with viagra in hopes of getting the aphrodisiac effect of marijuana. However, for some people, it’s more profitable to sell something dirty. Legalization and regulation would require that marijuana not be laced with anything. Or better yet, freedom to grow your own would be better in the long run.

Yes, there are some strains of marijuana that have some aphrodisiac qualities like Mikado, La Nina, Cinderella 99 (really good), Love Potion, and so on.

Cannabis Q&A

What’s the longest you’ve been without marijuana?
Officially, five months. I’d stopped smoking marijuana about mid-May. I had just come down from some bad food poisoning. So, I didn’t smoke anything for two weeks. When I tried to smoke again, it just wasn’t the same for me. So, I lost the urge and just didn’t smoke again. I wouldn’t say I quit but then again, I can’t really say I took a break either. I just didn’t have that urge. That is until November 1, 2008. I was just happy for two reasons. Two of my friends were having some troubles of their own. So I hadn’t seen them in months – one since February and the other since June. That’s a long time to not see your close friends. Then I found out my friend from Cali was in town. I was just happy to see these people come back in my life. I felt it was time to bring Mary Jane back in my life. I was going to do so eventually. It was just a matter of time.
(Check back Wednesday for more on this)

Green Tip of the Week

Best places to find smoking paraphernalia
The first spot you want to look is the store. You can always find some papers or cheap cigars at the corner store. It may be crude but it’s short notice and easy to find.

Sometimes, you want something more than paper. Well, anything that can be used to smoked tobacco can be used to smoke marijuana. So, you want to look at tobacco/cigar shops. Although, all “head” shops, or pothead shops, are tobacco shops, not all tobacco shops are head shops.

Finally, we have flea markets. If you should ever be lucky enough to come across a flea market, check it out thoroughly. Some flea markets have incredible stuff – glass bongs, small pipes, incense, papers, grinders and so on. The great thing about flea markets is that they’re cheap.

Marijuana Media: Urban Grower

Marijuana Mondays Ep. 10: Puff Puff.. No Pass??

Marijuana Mondays
In news, folks in Fiji are pissed over their smaller bags of weed and a British guy gets unnaturally greedy with the marijuana. What’s the world coming to? Someone wants to know just how many marijuana users there are in the United States. I think the real numbers are much higher. I’ve got a pretty good tip on dealing with the munchies and an awesome video by a Youtuber named Raslyle. He hits about 20 different bongs of various sizes. It’s a marathon of marijuana madness. He is the true Iron Lung. Email me your questions, issues, or concerns about marijuana.
Check the last episode: Marijuana Mondays Ep. 9: Eating Marijuana & Cancer Patients

Pot Mumblings

Marijuana: the smaller they are in fives
In Fiji, the dealers are shorting the nick bags big time. Folks can’t even roll decent joints or pack a decent bowl for their bongs anymore. But, the question is, why? It seems high oil prices did what police eradication efforts could not do; that is, make it difficult for dealers to operate. The cost of transporting marijuana has become too high so folks can’t even get their bud to market as easily. Instead of raising the price directly, they shorted the product. It’s kind of like how they’ve been doing Snickers bars for the last two decades. Hopefully, they won’t raise the price on Fiji weed AND short the bags. What a travesty!

Argument over cannabis cigarette led man to break leg
I don’t think the British need any more reasons for folks to not like them. But, they’ve got one more asshole to put up with. Christopher Lawson forgot many of the unspoken rules to enjoying marijuana. First, he forgot the tenet of sharing. Then, he forgot to mellow out. This clown slugged his friend and then stomped on his leg until he broke it all because he didn’t want to share his weed. If you don’t want to share your marijuana, go smoke by yourself. And, there’s absolutely ZERO reason to get violent about it. Sheesh. I am going to write a Marijuana Bill of Rights or an Etiquette guide. I see that one is sorely needed, at least for those in Britain.

Cannabis Q&A

How many weed smokers are there here?
I believe about 5%, or around 15 million people, of this nation admits to smoking marijuana. I think that’s a conservative number. If it were legalized tomorrow, I’d imagine that number would skyrocket to 15% and that would still be a conservative estimate. I would easily go as high as 25-30% of the United States smokes marijuana regularly with 70-80% of this nation trying it at least once. In considering that marijuana is so widely and easily available – from the commercial growers trafficking tons to many small personal grows – I couldn’t imagine that number being smaller.

Green Tip of the Week

Get your food before you burn
Everyone knows marijuana makes you hungry. A lot of people get into trouble because they go out while they’re still high. This exposes you to so many problems. What if you go to the corner store or the McDonalds or the nearest 7-11 and the police show up? They need to eat just as much as you do. Why take that risk? Or, even worse, some person wants to play concerned citizen or dumb ass samaritan and take interest in your well-being by calling the police on you when they see you.

This is an example what I do. I’ll go out for a hero sandwich or hoagie (Tuna or Ham & Cheese). I’ll buy some juice (big drinks, need lots of liquid). Then, I will pick up some chips (Salt & Vinegar) and candy (Skittles, Whoppers, or Blowpops) and maybe some pastries (Zebra Cakes, pecan swirls, or fruit pies). That covers all the major marijuana food groups – sandwich, drink, sugar, salt, and more sugar. When I get back home, I can either start smoking right away or I eat half the sandwich and drink a little juice and then smoke. When I am done smoking, I’ll have plenty of munchies left so that I don’t have to go outside at all.

Marijuana Media: Raslyle

My Hero: Andrew Lahde


This is a letter written by Andrew Lahde, hedge fund manager, quit his job after returning 866% on the investment betting against the subprime collapse. In other words, this guy made money betting that the housing market would collapse. As we all know, it collapsed in magnificent fashion. He’s rich.. very rich.

Why is he my hero?

He’s my hero because he points out some of the problems with this twisted society as a whole.

  • Blind trust in “Ivy League” educations versus Competence and ability
  • Government corruption (politicians being purchased like candy at the store)
  • Aristocracy versus Meritocracy (Giving rewards instead of earning them)
  • Willingness to NOT be greedy and just be happy

This guy made millions of dollars taking advantage of the stupid decisions by these stupid, overrated Ivy League idiots raised by nannies, butlers, and boarding schools paid for by their ultra-rich parents.

But, Mr. Lahde gets my ultimate respect with his advocacy for using hemp and dispelling the myth of marijuana as an evil substance.

However, I have to put my hero in his place. Hemp and marijuana are the same species, Cannabis Sativa. However, the difference between hemp and marijuana is not gender, it’s the THC concentration, or strength, in the female plant. While all male marijuana plants are indeed low in THC, NOT all females are high in THC. So, the difference would only be noticeable in female marijuana plants.

For example, the marijuana that comes out of Mexico is usually around 5% THC. The most potent kinds of marijuana can have THC concentrations as high as 15% to 20% but it is VERY rare as it takes OPTIMAL growing conditions to achieve that potency. Hemp has a THC concentration from under 1% to 2% at the most.
Note: Law enforcement like to claim marijuana has reach up to 30%-40% and more in an effort to scare people about “super weed”. Trust me, I wish there was marijuana that potent. It doesn’t exist.

Anyway here is the letter by my current hero, Andrew Lahde:

Today I write not to gloat. Given the pain that nearly everyone is experiencing, that would be entirely inappropriate. Nor am I writing to make further predictions, as most of my forecasts in previous letters have unfolded or are in the process of unfolding. Instead, I am writing to say goodbye.

Recently, on the front page of Section C of the Wall Street Journal, a hedge fund manager who was also closing up shop (a $300 million fund), was quoted as saying, “What I have learned about the hedge fund business is that I hate it.” I could not agree more with that statement. I was in this game for the money. The low hanging fruit, i.e. idiots whose parents paid for prep school, Yale, and then the Harvard MBA, was there for the taking. These people who were (often) truly not worthy of the education they received (or supposedly received) rose to the top of companies such as AIG, Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers and all levels of our government. All of this behavior supporting the Aristocracy, only ended up making it easier for me to find people stupid enough to take the other side of my trades. God bless America.

There are far too many people for me to sincerely thank for my success. However, I do not want to sound like a Hollywood actor accepting an award. The money was reward enough. Furthermore, the endless list those deserving thanks know who they are.

I will no longer manage money for other people or institutions. I have enough of my own wealth to manage. Some people, who think they have arrived at a reasonable estimate of my net worth, might be surprised that I would call it quits with such a small war chest. That is fine; I am content with my rewards. Moreover, I will let others try to amass nine, ten or eleven figure net worths. Meanwhile, their lives suck. Appointments back to back, booked solid for the next three months, they look forward to their two week vacation in January during which they will likely be glued to their Blackberries or other such devices. What is the point? They will all be forgotten in fifty years anyway. Steve Balmer, Steven Cohen, and Larry Ellison will all be forgotten. I do not understand the legacy thing. Nearly everyone will be forgotten. Give up on leaving your mark. Throw the Blackberry away and enjoy life.

So this is it. With all due respect, I am dropping out. Please do not expect any type of reply to emails or voicemails within normal time frames or at all. Andy Springer and his company will be handling the dissolution of the fund. And don’t worry about my employees, they were always employed by Mr. Springer’s company and only one (who has been well-rewarded) will lose his job.

I have no interest in any deals in which anyone would like me to participate. I truly do not have a strong opinion about any market right now, other than to say that things will continue to get worse for some time, probably years. I am content sitting on the sidelines and waiting. After all, sitting and waiting is how we made money from the subprime debacle. I now have time to repair my health, which was destroyed by the stress I layered onto myself over the past two years, as well as my entire life — where I had to compete for spaces in universities and graduate schools, jobs and assets under management — with those who had all the advantages (rich parents) that I did not. May meritocracy be part of a new form of government, which needs to be established.

On the issue of the U.S. Government, I would like to make a modest proposal. First, I point out the obvious flaws, whereby legislation was repeatedly brought forth to Congress over the past eight years, which would have reigned in the predatory lending practices of now mostly defunct institutions. These institutions regularly filled the coffers of both parties in return for voting down all of this legislation designed to protect the common citizen. This is an outrage, yet no one seems to know or care about it. Since Thomas Jefferson and Adam Smith passed, I would argue that there has been a dearth of worthy philosophers in this country, at least ones focused on improving government.

Capitalism worked for two hundred years, but times change, and systems become corrupt. George Soros, a man of staggering wealth, has stated that he would like to be remembered as a philosopher. My suggestion is that this great man start and sponsor a forum for great minds to come together to create a new system of government that truly represents the common man’s interest, while at the same time creating rewards great enough to attract the best and brightest minds to serve in government roles without having to rely on corruption to further their interests or lifestyles. This forum could be similar to the one used to create the operating system, Linux, which competes with Microsoft’s near monopoly. I believe there is an answer, but for now the system is clearly broken.

Lastly, while I still have an audience, I would like to bring attention to an alternative food and energy source. You won’t see it included in BP’s, “Feel good. We are working on sustainable solutions,” television commercials, nor is it mentioned in ADM’s similar commercials. But hemp has been used for at least 5,000 years for cloth and food, as well as just about everything that is produced from petroleum products. Hemp is not marijuana and vice versa. Hemp is the male plant and it grows like a weed, hence the slang term. The original American flag was made of hemp fiber and our Constitution was printed on paper made of hemp. It was used as recently as World War II by the U.S. Government, and then promptly made illegal after the war was won. At a time when rhetoric is flying about becoming more self-sufficient in terms of energy, why is it illegal to grow this plant in this country?

Ah, the female. The evil female plant — marijuana. It gets you high, it makes you laugh, it does not produce a hangover. Unlike alcohol, it does not result in bar fights or wife beating. So, why is this innocuous plant illegal? Is it a gateway drug? No, that would be alcohol, which is so heavily advertised in this country. My only conclusion as to why it is illegal, is that Corporate America, which owns Congress, would rather sell you Paxil, Zoloft, Xanax and other [addictive] drugs, than allow you to grow a plant in your home without some of the profits going into their coffers. This policy is ludicrous. It has surely contributed to our dependency on foreign energy sources. Our policies have other countries literally laughing at our stupidity, most notably Canada, as well as several European nations (both Eastern and Western). You would not know this by paying attention to U.S. media sources though, as they tend not to elaborate on who is laughing at the United States this week. Please people, let’s stop the rhetoric and start thinking about how we can truly become self-sufficient.

With that I say good-bye and good luck.

All the best,

Andrew Lahde

Marijuana Mondays Ep. 9: Eating Marijuana & Cancer Patients

Marijuana Mondays
In news, we have an unfortunate incident in which a child was taken to the hospital for ingesting marijuana and a doctor’s plea for medical marijuana. I’ve got a cool tip on how to smoke in public, sort of. And, I want to end the show with High Times’ Top 10 Strains of the Year (make sure you subscribe). Email me your questions, issues, or concerns about marijuana.

Check the last episode: Marijuana Mondays Ep. 8: New Suppliers & Pink Bunnies

Pot Mumblings: Small children and Cancer Patients

FL parents arrested after toddler eats marijuana stash
In short, these parents took their 1.5yo child to the hospital because he got into their marijuana stash and ate some of it.This story sort of bugs me because of the misinformation that is out there about marijuana. Even some marijuana smokers don’t know that marijuana is so safe and nontoxic that even a child can eat it.

And no, the child will NOT get high from eating marijuana. If it were that easy to get high, people wouldn’t go through the process of smoking it, cooking it, or making drinks out of it. Heat has to be applied to marijuana to get its effects. That’s why simply eating it doesn’t work.

Unfortunately, these parents have also lost custody of their child. Chances are they may lose their jobs as well. And, most likely, they will have incredible lawyer fees in trying to regain custody of their child. And this is the result of the marijuana criminalization – families destroyed from the inside out.

Dr. George Wagoner: Patients need relief marijuana gives
This is one of those stories that holds so much weight in the fight to get marijuana legalized for medical use. Dr. Wagoner’s wife was diagnosed with cancer. Anyone who’s dealt with cancer knows how difficult it is for the patient and their family. He asked about a prescription for marijuana to help his ailing wife. Unfortunately, the doctor could only prescribe Marinol, which is synthetic THC created by Solvay Pharmaceuticals. As is usual with pharmaceuticals, the Marinol did more harm than good. The unnatural, man-made chemical basically drove his wife mad with hallucinations. This is in part because Marinol is dangerously potent and completely ineffective Unfortunately again, Dr. Wagoner had to go out and procure marijuana illegally for his wife. “It was miraculous.”

I think this story is important because it answers the question: What would you do if your loved one’s life were in danger and marijuana could help? Maybe, when times are good we can lie about the answer. But, when times are bad, the truth comes out. I think we have to stop looking at marijuana as this evil drug. It’s neither evil nor is it a drug. It’s a plant with very strong medical utility. This is why we need a common sense drug policy that will stop hurting American citizens. I even hope that Ted Kennedy would use marijuana to help his glioma.

Green Tip of the Week: Empty Cigarette Tubes

Although, I knew about empty cigarette tubes for a long time, I never cared to use them. Rarely do I ever smoke in public. I always smoke indoors either in my own home or at a friend’s place. If I do smoke outdoors, it’s usually some place very secluded or where I know people won’t bother me. But, this is not the tip. The tip is where to find those tubes, which ones to get, and how to make them work for you.

First of all, if you live in New York City, just go to West 4th on 6th Ave and look around. There are smoke shops galore. But, if you’re not in New York city, just do a search online. Make sure you get the cigarette tubes with the brown filter tip as well. If you really want up-close authenticity, pick up Marlboro Cigarette Blanks. Just make sure you pick up a pack of Marlboro because you’ll still need the box and sprinkle a little tobacco on the bottom of the box as well. Authenticity is the key.

And for a smooth smoke, don’t rely on your fingers to break up good marijuana. Use a grinder because consistency is important because quality is just as important as quantity. As far as filling up those tubes, you can also buy a filler to do all of the dirty work. But, real marijuana users are always about doing it yourself.

Get yourself a straw and a small stick that will fit in the straw.

  1. Cut the straw so that when you put it in the tube, a portion that you can grab is visible.
  2. Put the finely ground marijuana into the straw, a little bit at a time.*
  3. Using the stick, push it down into the tube.
  4. Lift the straw out and use both the stick and the straw to pack down in the tube.**
  5. Just keep up that motion until you reach the top.

*If you put too much in the straw, you may have a hard time pushing it all into the tube.
You don’t want to pack it in too tight or else it will be hard to smoke.

Now, you can smoke in public, almost. Remember, there’s nothing you can do about the smell so try to stay away from people or keep it moving. And burnt marijuana smells much more strongly. If you can’t finish it, throw it out. So, learn how to pack properly so you can adjust the consistency such that it will smoke faster.

If you don’t know how to roll at all, you can use this method of tube filling. Simply get some rolling papers and wrap the paper around the straw, glue it, and close it at one end.

Marijuana Media: High Times Top 10 Strains of 2008

Check out that beautiful Brainstorm Haze by Delta9 Labs.

Wakeup: Back to Reagan’s Drug War

In this war on drugs, there is one question that every poor Black and Hispanic person in the inner city – the dealers, the users, and the innocent bystanders – wants answered, “How do these substances get into our neighborhood?”
This question comes about because there is a disconnect in the flow of drugs. For example, if you wanted to track how a car got into your neighborhood, you can track it from the manufacturer through the distribution system – trucks, trains, planes, and car salesmen – into the hands of the owner. However, when it comes to drugs we don’t know the distribution system. The one question that always comes up is, “if the US government wants to stop the flow of drugs, why don’t they go after the manufacturers instead of the low-level dealers?”

The answer: The US government IS the distribution system that facilitates the flow of crack, cocaine, and heroin into the nation and the inner city.

I know it all sounds like a conspiracy theory – “Oh, the big dangerous government is out to get us!” Sure, it sounds crazy. Unfortunately, it’s so crazy that it’s true. Listen to former DEA agent Celerino Castillo tell you about his experiences in Central and South America. It’s a two part video, about an hour long total.

Folks, it’s important to understand that this is NOT coming from the mouth of some paranoid crackhead. This is from the mouth of a man who was IN it all. Here are the video interview of former DEA agent Celerino Castillo:

The one thing that stood out to me before the end of the second video is that Mr. Castillo confirmed the fears that I had about heroin production in Afghanistan. I watched news reports that the US military wouldn’t destroy poppy fields as they showed clips of US soldiers walking through. The one thing I knew about the Taliban in Afghanistan, they are staunch Muslims. They fought drug dealers in Afghanistan and punished them harshly with death. All of a sudden, the US comes starts the War on Terror and Afghanistan is now producing 90% of the world’s heroin.

Folks, this is NOT Usher and Tameka getting a divorce. This is NOT some celebrity sex tape. This is NOT the latest Hip Hop beef. This is the Reagan era revisited. This is the crack/cocaine/heroin epidemic. This is high levels of unemployment and depressed individuals looking for an escape. This is blood-stained sidewalks and kids dying over cheap gold chains and nice sneakers. This is what I remember from the 80s under two terms of Ronald Reagan and one term of George HW Bush. We’re going back to these times thanks to two terms of George W. Bush.

The only thing that’s truly going to save our communities is the will to resist. We’ve got to be reminded of the harm done to us by this fake war on drugs. We have to be stronger than our parents were during the 80s. We have to make sure to NOT succumb to the ease of drug money and NOT look for escape in substances. This shit is coming to our doorsteps. The best thing we can do is be prepared.

Marijuana Mondays Ep. 8: New Suppliers & Pink Bunnies

Another Marijuana Mondays for my faithful readers. If you don’t know what I am talking about it, read: Marijuana Mondays. I’ve got good stuff for Episode 8. I got a question from someone who wants tips on how to get a new marijuana dealer and someone else wanted to know about high experiences. Email me your questions, issues, or concerns at anthonytaurus(at)

Check the last episode: Marijuana Mondays Ep. 7: Quitting & Blunt Rolling

Pot Mumblings: Medical, Police Corruption, Legalization

Is There Anything CBD Can’t Do? Then Why Is It Illegal? [NORML]
Here is an article simply listing the many things that marijuana has been proven to help: Antiepileptic, Sedative, Anxiolytic, Antipsychcotic, Antidystonic, Antioxidative, Neuroprotective, Antiinflammatory, Cardioprotective, Action on diabetes, Antiemetic, Anticancer, and many other things. I won’t sit here and act like marijuana is the cure all. However, I can’t sit here and act like it doesn’t help either. Don’t take my word for it. These are independent and unbiased scientists and doctors around the world telling us the truth about marijuana. They’re not the DEA trying to save their jobs. They’re not paid-off politicians either. And, drug dealers lose money if marijuana is legalized.

Altamonte police officer pleads guilty to growing marijuana [Orlando Sentinel]
Here we go with another case of large scale police corruption.

Clay Adams, 36, who lives near Altamonte Springs, will likely be sentenced to at least 15 years in prison. He pleaded guilty to five federal charges, including conspiring with his wife to grow 2,200 pounds of marijuana.

And, this is NOT anything special either. This is more typical than most people are willing to admit. The United States spends $70,000,000,000 yearly to fight drugs only to have the people they trust with eradication end up somehow selling it back. Every time you hear the DEA or local police say they eradicated a field of marijuana, think harvested as in a farmer who harvests his crop. It does look good to the fringe anti-marijuana folks when the news reports that another field has been eradicated.
Question: Am I the only who wonders why they don’t show the actual burning of the marijuana as well?

The Big Question: Is it time the world forgot about cannabis in its war against drugs? [The Independent]
It seems the British are making the right move in regards to marijuana legalization or decriminalization by taking their argument to the United Nations. Here’s my favorite part of the article:

Why does the report suggest cannabis should be legalised?
It argues that although cannabis can have a damaging effect in health and on mental health, it is actually far less damaging than alcohol and tobacco. “Historically, there have only been two deaths worldwide attributed to cannabis, whereas alcohol and tobacco together are responsible for an estimated 150,000 deaths per annum in the UK alone,” the report alleges

Cannabis Q&A: New Suppliers and Pink Bunnies

How does one go about actually getting marijuana?

The great thing about marijuana is that it’s everywhere. Your best bet at finding a dealer is to make connections with other users. First start with who you know – friends and family. Find out if they smoke as well. The best way is to start this conversation from a point of naivete. Ask a friend what they think about marijuana reform. Make sure to admit that you don’t have a problem with it. Then, gently ease the conversation toward usage. Would you try it if you had some? Admit that you’d try it without admitting that you’ve already tried it. Chances are you may come across a friend or family member who also uses or at least knows someone who uses. Now, do what you can to connect with the dealer.

The trick is getting people to reveal themselves as opposed to you trying to uncover them.

In cases where you don’t know anyone else that smokes, you’re going to have to open your world a bit. Attend some parties, go back to college as a grad student (cover for the parties), go to marijuana-related events and rallies, join some groups, and so on. The idea here is to network, find more friends, and then mine them for users. This is something we should all be doing more anyway. Just be patient and don’t push too hard.

As far as police interference is concerned, do not to take (get caught physically holding) marijuana from anyone until they’re approved by either you viewing them smoking or they were introduced to you by a friend who you’ve seen smoking. Never deal out in the open (hand to hand) either.

What kind of experiences have you had while under the influence?
My first real intense experience with marijuana was in the days when I was smoking a lot of the cheap stuff. I made what’s called a godfather out of some mexibrick weed. A godfather is a cigar that’s emptied, not cut or split open, and refilled with ground marijuana. Packed in appropriately, you can fit about 10+ grams of marijuana. After I smoked this godfather entirely, I did begin to hallucinate. I laid back on my bed staring at the ceiling and became hypersensitive. The lights from the tv and laptop became too bright. I turned everything off. As I sat in this now dark room, I started seeing flashes of pink light. It started becoming more like a flickering show where pink bunnies began to form. Now, it wasn’t so vivid to make me think they were really there. I did very much know what was going on and it was hilarious. I think this is where most people become paranoid because they don’t expect that level of mental activation so it scares them. But, I knew it was coming so I enjoyed it.

This is how I came to truly understand and appreciate the difference between indica and sativa.

Another experience occurred from some freshly grown marijuana. Let me tell you, the fresher, the better! I hadn’t smoked in a few months opting to lower my tolerance before the harvest (I knew about it). I rolled a 2-gram joint from this marijuana. About 10 min after I finished smoking this joint, I began to feel that hypersensitivity. I thought, “Here I go again!” But, it was different this time. It started with a feeling of waves along the sides of my head. It felt like a light massage of my brain. Eventually, it began to grow in intensity emanating from my forehead to the back of my head like deep brain massage. It was an awesome feeling. I laid down and just let the good vibrations take me. I don’t remember falling asleep but I remember waking up about an hour after I took the first puff. That’s the last time I looked at the clock. I know I wasn’t sleep for that long. I felt really good and relaxed and a little energized as well.

Those examples were the most intense of many great experiences I’ve had with marijuana.

Green Tip of the Week: Stay hydrated

Any kind of smoke will tend to dry out the mouth and throat. Drink plenty of water while you smoke marijuana. If I remember right, marijuana is also a diuretic which helps remove excess water from your body. So, don’t worry about getting bloated.

Marijuana Media: Marijuana Monologues

Marijuana Mondays Ep. 7: Quitting & Blunt Rolling

Wooooo, Marijuana Mondays is definitely a fixture as I have episode seven for my faithful readers, all two of you. If you don’t know what I am talking about it, read: Marijuana Mondays. The question for today: How can I quit smoking marijuana? It’s easier than many people want to admit; easier than quitting coffee. But, if you’re asking, chances are you do have a problem. Email me your questions, issues, or concerns at anthonytaurus(at)
Check the last episode: Marijuana Mondays: Ep. 6: Am I too old to use marijuana?

Pot Mumblings

Cruz calls Question 2 a deal for dealers
This article is about Plymouth County District Attorney Tim Cruz calling out the Question 2, Massachusetts attempt to come up with sensible policy to address marijuana. Basically, he points out a definitely issue with these kinds of laws. Although Tim Cruz is a misguided idiot who still prefers that marijuana stay criminal, it’s a very valid point. This is the problem that I have with these kinds of laws myself. It does not address the growing (manufacture) and the dealing (distribution) of marijuana. The people who use marijuana still have to basically find dealers who aren’t always going to be nice store owners. It doesn’t address the quality of the product meaning you can get marijuana that’s either low quality or cut with something else which puts you at more of a risk. If marijuana were to be legalized and regulated, we could address issues of safety and quality. We can’t continue with these half-assed laws.

The point is that people are going to smoke marijuana whether the “Mommy and Daddy-Christian conservative tell me what to do with my own life” government don’t like it. The issue isn’t trying to stop people from doing it. The issue is figuring out the safest way for society to do it. Leaving a multi-billion dollar product in the hand of gun-toting criminals while demonizing a significant portion of the nation is not the safest way to handling this issue.

Cannabis Q&A

How do you quit smoking marijuana?
Quitting marijuana is as easy as quitting fattening food. I use this analogy for a reason but I will get back to that in a minute.

If you want to quit marijuana, simply put it down. Marijuana is not addictive. It’s been proven to be non-addictive. I’ll use myself as an example. I haven’t smoked marijuana since the end of the May 2008. I didn’t stop smoking necessarily because I wanted to stop. I stopped because I didn’t care to smoke anymore. I looked at the last bit of marijuana that I had left, smoked it, and haven’t purchased anything since. I won’t sit here and say that I’ve officially quit smoking forever. It’s just been since May, that I stopped. I do see myself at some point in the future picking it up again. However, I don’t even know if I actually will pick it up again.

Although my story of quitting is not unique, it doesn’t address those that actually have trouble quitting. We have to understand the problem before we can come up with a solution. I find that many people prefer to blame the substance rather than accept their own weakness. It’s like when overweight people sue a fast food restaurant for making them fat. The real issue here is willpower. Do you have the will to stop what you’re doing? Do you have the will to stop your habit? Do you have the will to address your own addictive personality? Do you will to stop sucking your thumb, eating McDonald’s, or smoking marijuana?

If you find that you still can not, you will need to take more drastic measures. It will start with cutting out the people in your life that promote marijuana smoking. Ask them to not smoke around you anymore. Stop contacting your dealer. Ask a friend for help to keep track of you and don’t be mad at that person for doing their job. Ultimately, you want to address your own lack of willpower and/or addictive personality because even if you are able to quit smoking marijuana, it will just be replaced by something else

Green Tip of the Week/Marijuana Media

I decided to combine these two sections because they both involve the fine art of blunt rolling.

The tip itself has to do with the concept of airflow within any blunt or joint that you roll. If the airflow is too loose, easy to pull, the blunt will burn too fast and the amount of smoked inhaled may be too much. If it’s too tight, hard to pull, the blunt will have a difficult time staying lit and you’ll strain yourself trying to get a decent puff. Another issue also is to make sure that the marijuana is evenly spread out through the blunt. Uneven spread can lead to uneven burning. I’ve seen situations where burning marijuana has fallen out of the tip of the blunt. I haven’t seen any fires start but I’ve seen a lot of people get burnt and it’s HILARIOUS.

The video is by a guy called Bluntside and it’s all about how to roll a blunt.

  1. If you prefer to use water, which I do, do NOT saturate. Water is very thin as opposed to saliva thickness. That thinness of water allows it to seep in the leaf easier and faster to loosen the bonds and give the leaf itself flexibility Too much water will dissolve the inner paper under the leaf.
  2. You don’t have to use your fingertips to split open the blunt at the seam. Use a knife or even a thin object; it doesn’t have to be “sharp”.
  3. Sometimes that “double-strip” doesn’t come off so easily. Bend it and then pull it off.
  4. When rolling, the paper may break because it’s too dry. Breathe on it. The moisture from your breath is enough to get the desired effect. You’ll even notice the paper start to relax. Don’t wet it too much. It can dissolve.
  5. The leaf can be as wet as you like to maintain flexibility. If it’s too dry, it’ll break. But, it won’t dissolve like the paper will if it’s too wet. However, you’ll spend more time drying it.
  6. You don’t have to dry it using a lighter. Personally, I prefer to leave freshly rolled blunt on the table to let it air-dry for 10 minutes or so.
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